
What is Profile Q?

What is Profile Q?

Profile Q is for IP-based video systems and its aim is to provide quick discovery and basic configuration of Profile Q conformant products (e.g., network camera, network switch, network monitor) on a network. A Profile Q conformant device is one that can be discovered and configured by a Profile Q client.

What is ONVIF Q?

An ONVIF client compliant to Profile Q is an ONVIF client that can discover, configure and control an ONVIF device compliant to Profile Q over an IP network. It does not matter what type of device the client is communicating to, as these settings are common to all device types.

What is ONVIF Profile?

An ONVIF profile has a fixed set of features that must be supported by a conformant device and client. It ensures that a client that conforms to Profile S, for example, will work with a device that also conforms to Profile S. Compliance to regulations, however, are outside the scope of ONVIF.

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What is ONVIF profile G?

An ONVIF client compliant to the Profile G is an ONVIF client that can configure, request, and control recording of video data over an IP network from an ONVIF device compliant to the Profile G. The Profile G also includes support for receiving audio and metadata stream if the client supports those features.


The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is used to establish and control media sessions between two or more endpoints. The Milestone Open Network Bridge uses ONVIF Profile S and RTSP to handle requests for video from an ONVIF client, and to stream video from an XProtect installation to the ONVIF client.

Is Dahua still ONVIF?

Hikvision and Dahua Technology has been “suspended,” and effectively expelled, from ONVIF. Hikvision and Dahua Technology are the latest Chinese tech companies to be suspended and expelled from ONVIF. Since ONVIF’s standards are public, the Chinse company said they can continue to develop using ONVIF’s specifications.

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Is RTSP the same as ONVIF?

ONVIF is in no way a replacement for RTP/RTSP it merely employs the standard for streaming media. Most streaming devices that are ONVIF compliant allow RTP/RTSP streams to be initiated both within and separately from the ONVIF protocol.