
What is rapid transformation therapy?

What is rapid transformation therapy?

It combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. RTT is designed to deliver rapid, permanent results to people who are struggling with physical or emotional pains.

What is RTT therapy used for?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (or RTT) is a hybrid therapy known for its efficiency in discovering the root of a client’s issue and helping them let it go for good. Anxiety, stress, a lack of self-esteem and addiction are just a few of the many ailments RTT can help alleviate.

Is Rapid Resolution Therapy evidence based?

Accelerated Resolution Therapy is an Evidenced-based Therapy. ART has been classified as an effective intervention for the treatment of Depression, Depressive Symptoms, Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders, and Personal Resilience/Self-Concept.

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What is RTT session?

RTT is a hybrid therapy that offers unparalleled results in a single 90 minute session. RTT combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy & Cognitive Behavioral Therapies.

How is RTT different?

Unlike traditional counselling, RTT is different because it takes elements of CBT, NLP and Hypnotherapy which when combined, can be powerful and transformative and make a difference in many areas of your life.

What is Accelerated Resolution Therapy Calgary?

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) incorporates a combination of techniques used in many other traditional psychotherapies. ART works directly to reprogram the way in which distressing memories and images are stored in the brain so that they no longer trigger strong physical and emotional reactions.

Whats the difference between EMDR and ART?

EMDR uses a variable number of eye movements, while ART uses a fixed number. EMDR uses free association, while ART therapists are directive. EMDR pays attention to content, whereas ART therapists focus on visual imagery and emotional sensations. EMDR is content-oriented, while ART has a procedural orientation.

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What does RTT stand for?

Real-time Text
RTT stands for Real-time Text, a call feature that assists deaf and hard-of-hearing phone users, among others, with communication during voice calls. Sladic/Getty. RTT, or real-time text, sends text messages immediately as you type them, without requiring you to hit send.

What is the process of hypnosis?

During hypnosis, a trained hypnotist or hypnotherapist induces a state of intense concentration or focused attention. This is a guided process with verbal cues and repetition. The trance-like state you enter may appear similar to sleep in many ways, but you’re fully aware of what’s going on.