
What is SAS Application server?

What is SAS Application server?

A SAS Application Server is not an actual server that can execute SAS code submitted by clients. Rather, it is a logical container for a set of application server components, which do execute code. Typically, these components execute SAS code, although some components can execute Java code or MDX queries.

What is a SAS workspace server?

A workspace server is a SAS process that is started for 1 user. Every user connection gets a new SAS process on the server. This server is meant to run more interactive processes where a user runs something, looks at output and then runs something else. Code does not have to be prewritten and stored on the server.

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What do you understand about the two types of SAS deployment?

The SAS deployment process can be broken down into two separate phases: install and configure. The install phase lays down SAS application binaries while the configure phase sets up server definitions, middle-tier web applications, and other solution-specifics based on the software installed.

What is pooled workspace server in SAS?

SAS Pooled Workspace Servers are workspace servers in every respect except that these servers automatically use pooling and load balancing. Like a standard workspace server, each pooled workspace server enables client programs to access SAS libraries, perform tasks by using the SAS language, and retrieve the results.

What is a SAS database?

SAS is a tool for analyzing statistical data. SAS is an acronym for statistical analytics software. The main purpose of SAS is to retrieve, report and analyze statistical data.

What is SAS metadata server?

The SAS Metadata Server is a multi-user server that serves metadata from one or more SAS Metadata Repositories to all of the SAS Intelligence Platform client applications in your environment. The SAS Metadata Server enables centralized control so that all users access consistent and accurate data.

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What is SAS Grid server?

The SAS Grid Server serves as a bridge between SAS applications and the grid environment. It enables an application to recognize the grid and submit jobs to it. The grid server is actually a logical server , which is a component under a SAS Application Server .

What is a SAS stored process?

A stored process is a SAS program that is stored on a server and can be executed as required by requesting applications. Stored processes can also access any SAS data source or external file and create new data sets, files, or other data targets supported by SAS.

What is SAS object spawner?

The Object Spawner is a program that can run on the server host and listen for requests. You must use a spawner to run SAS Workspace Servers and SAS Stored Process Servers. Before you can run the spawner, you must create a Metadata Configuration File that contains information for accessing the metadata server.

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What is SAS testing?

SAS is a command-driven statistical software suite widely used for statistical data analysis and visualization. It is a software suite which allows you to perform advanced analysis, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analysis, data management to operate effectively in the competitive & changing business conditions.

What is SAS Metadata Repository?

A metadata repository is a physical location in which a collection of related metadata objects is stored. Metadata repositories are managed by a repository manager, which is a library of tables that define the set of repositories that can be accessed by a SAS Metadata Server .