
What is source code and byte code in Python?

What is source code and byte code in Python?

When we execute a source code (a file with a . py extension), Python first compiles it into a bytecode. The bytecode is a low-level platform-independent representation of your source code, however, it is not the binary machine code and cannot be run by the target machine directly.

What is source code in Python?

In simple we can say source code is a set of instructions/commands and statements which is written by a programmer by using a computer programming language like C, C++, Java, Python, Assembly language etc. So statements written in any programming language is termed as source code.

What is difference between object code and byte code?

Byte code is artificial machine code for a virtual machine or VM, such as the Java VM or the ActionScript VM. Object code is the result of compilation of a module or program written in a programming language, stored for later use.

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What is the difference between source code and object code in Python?

Source code is written in a high- level language like C, C++, Java, Python and others or it is written in assembly language and contains comments that explain the logic. Object code is written in machine language through a compiler or an assembler or any other translator. Object code does not contain any comments.

Is Python run on a VM?

Python, like many interpreted languages, actually compiles source code to a set of instructions for a virtual machine, and the Python interpreter is an implementation of that virtual machine.

How do you explain source code?

Source code is generally understood to mean programming statements that are created by a programmer with a text editor or a visual programming tool and then saved in a file. Object code generally refers to the output, a compiled file, which is produced when the Source Code is compiled with a C compiler.

What is the difference between source code and built code?

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Object Code is generated through a process called compilation, carried out by compiler to convert Source Code into the machine executable code….Source Code vs Object Code – Difference between Source Code and Object Code.

Source Code Object Code
Not system specific. System specific.