
What is the best way to learn te reo?

What is the best way to learn te reo?

Raniera Harrison has seven simple tips to help people learn te reo Māori.

  1. Start small. There’s a misconception that we have to learn the most complex of sentence structures and the most elaborate verbs, nouns and adjectives – but that’ll come in due course.
  2. Build your community.
  3. Check your pronunciation.
  4. Challenge yourself.

Does duolingo do Māori?

Duolingo is one of the most popular language learning apps in the world with over 300 million users. People can choose between 38 different languages to learn and starting in 2021 te reo Maori is set to be added to that list.

What is the difference between tikanga and kawa?

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Kawa is the policy and tikanga are the procedures on how the policy is realised. To put it simply, kawa is what we do, tikanga is how we do it. What is Mana? A spiritual power that instills respect and reverence.

Does Memrise have Maori?

Māori 110 – Introductory Māori – by standgale – Memrise.

Is there an app for learning te reo?

A free app that teaches how to use te reo Māori in real life situations is now available for download. Kōrerorero, has been in development at the Auckland University of Technology for the past two years.

Why do Māori wash their hands when leaving a cemetery?

Cemetery customs Many marae have an urupā (cemetery) nearby, and this is one of the most tapu places in all of Māori society. People leaving the urupā are expected to wash their hands with water, to reduce the tapu to the safe state of noa.

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What is marae kawa?

The kawa of the marae means the protocols or rules that operate on the marae. On some marae all the speakers from the tangata whenua (hosts) speak first, followed by the manuhiri (guests). At other marae the speeches alternate, with one speaker from the hosts followed by one from the guests, and so on.

What is the meaning wananga?

A wananga is characterised by teaching and research that maintains, advances, and disseminates knowledge and develops intellectual independence, and assists the application of knowledge regarding ahuatanga Maori (Maori tradition) according to tikanga Maori (Maori custom).