
What is the biggest plot hole in Star Wars?

What is the biggest plot hole in Star Wars?

10 Star Wars Plot Holes Everyone Just Ignores

  1. 1 Anakin Can Sense That Luke Is His Child, But Not Leia.
  2. 2 Luke Was Never Really In Hiding From Darth Vader.
  3. 3 Galen Erso Leaves Behind An Unnecessarily Complex Puzzle.
  4. 4 Anakin Skywalker Doesn’t Have A Father.
  5. 5 Han Solo Has Definitely Used Chewbacca’s Bowcaster Before.

What is the hole in Star Wars?

The sarlacc in the film inhabits the Great Pit of Carkoon, a hollow in the sand of the desert planet Tatooine. In the original Return of the Jedi, the sarlacc is simply a barbed hole in the desert sand which characters fall into and are consumed; some are pulled into the sarlacc’s mouth by its tentacles.

What plot hole does rogue one fix?

While Rogue One fixed one of the biggest plot holes in the fictional world of Star Wars by showing how Galen Erso put a weakness in the original Death Star, some fans have always wondered why the Imperial forces didn’t guard the station by bringing in some reinforcements during the Battle of Yavin, like say, a few Star …

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Does Darth Vader not recognize c3po?

Late in the film, Darth Vader does not recognize C-3PO who is in Cloud City with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia. Although C-3PO is not completely assembled in the scene, he is definitely visible to Vader. Obviously, C-3PO does not recognize Vader because his memory was wiped at the end of Revenge of the Sith.

Did Luke understand R2?

Then, in The Last Jedi, Luke has his brief scene where he interacts with R2-D2, and while R2 continues to make his familiar sounds, Luke is now able to understand the droid.

What did Rey see in the hole?

At this point in Rey’s journey, she is looking for answers about who she is and how to control an ability she does not understand. She thinks she will find these answers there. Inside the Cave, Rey sees herself reflected into infinity, and believes her answers will be found at the end of the reflection (Figure 2).

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What is the Death Star weakness?

The first Death Star requires significant time to fully recharge its superlaser, and it is destroyed by the Rebel Alliance by taking advantage of its one weakness: an exhaust port which, when hit with a precise shot, triggers a chain reaction throughout the station’s entire infrastructure.