
What is the difference between Dua and Wazifa?

What is the difference between Dua and Wazifa?

many wazaif are not allowed to perform by a a common man without the permission of a Sufi master. Dua is Ebadah/ Ibadah means form of prayer , Allah gets angry if you do not pray to him. Allah says call me I will answer you and the wordings they are direct I am more near to you than your Jugular vein.

What to pray to get Dua accepted?

Etiquettes of your dua:

  • Start off with salawat on the prophet saw (Allahummasalli…)
  • Use Allah’s beautiful names to call Him.
  • Praise Allah as He deserves.
  • Face the qiblah.
  • Raise your hands into the position of making dua.
  • Have faith that your dua will be accepted and Allah will respond one way or another.
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Should I take help from wazifa or Dua for wealth and success?

But if you want to increase the wealth and success, then take help from wazifa for wealth and success. This will also help you to generate huge wealth along with success. You can also take help from dua for Studying and get success in exams if you want to get success in exams.

How to make dua to change a person’s mind?

First, do proper wuzu. Then Recite Ayatul kursi for (6) time. Now Open Chapter No.45 in Quran And Recite Surah Al-Jathiyah (3) ten times. Finally, Close your eyes and Make Dua to Allah for change that desired person mind. Do this ritual for atleast one week if you want good effects.

What is the most powerful Dua in Islam?

The most powerful dua ever is prayer. The power of prayers and faith in Allah Tallah can do the impossible. So, the Powerful Dua to get what you want actually works well. When performed with all your heart and soul.

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What is the DUA for urgent need?

This dua is very powerful, which helps you fall someone. You can always control the physical aspects of life. The Dua for urgent need. Whatever you need to do in terms of physicality, you can do all that. But, what about the metaphysical stuff?