
What is the difference between effective and efficiency?

What is the difference between effective and efficiency?

Effective means “producing a result that is wanted”. Efficient means “capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy”. The difference is that when something is effective it produces a result even if it takes some unnecessary resources to do so.

What is effective code?

The definition of “effective code” is very broad but in layman’s terms, it means the code you write today will work if reused 10 years later. They simply reuse the existing code and write only the new functionalities for every new release.

What is the most efficient code?

Not just terms in terms of using a syntax or specific way of coding, but also where power consumption is concerned. Research indicates C is the most efficient language, whereas Python and Perl are on the other end of the spectrum.

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What is an example of efficient?

The definition of efficient is being productive with minimal effort. An example of efficient is a car that gets 60 miles to a gallon of gas. Making good, thorough, or careful use of resources; not consuming extra. Especially, making good use of time or energy.

What is the difference between efficient and effective communication?

When something is done ‘effectively’, it is done right or correctly. ‘Adequate’, meaning acceptable or meeting a need, is a good synonym for effective. ‘Efficient’ has the meaning of doing something in the best possible manner. It means to produce the desired results or accomplishments while doing it in the best way.

How do you write an effective code?

11 Tips to Write Better Code

  1. 1) Decide on the indentation and keep it that way.
  2. 2) Make comments.
  3. 3) Consistent name scheme.
  4. 4) Don’t repeat code.
  5. 5) Avoid writing long code lines.
  6. 6) Break down a big task into smaller chunks.
  7. 8) Write clever code that is also readable.
  8. 10) Delete unnecessary code.
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Are codes of conduct effective?

A quality code of conduct can go a long way in improving a company’s success. Companies that view a code merely as a way to communicate legal rules miss much of the value that a code can provide. A well-developed code can help a company to: Prevent legal and regulatory violations.

Which is the fastest programming language in the world?

After years of negative growth, C++ is now the fastest-growing programming language in terms of popularity. After falling to its all-time-low score in 2017, C++ ranked fourth among 24 other programming languages in September, according to the TIOBE Programming Community Index.

How can a programmer be efficient?

How to write code efficiently

  1. Creating function.
  2. Eliminate unessential operations.
  3. Avoid declaring unnecessary variables.
  4. Use appropriate algorithms.
  5. Learn the concept of dynamic programming.
  6. Minimize the use of If-Else.
  7. Break the loops when necessary.
  8. Avoid declaring variables in the global scope.

What is effectiveness and efficiency examples?

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While efficiency refers to how well something is done, effectiveness refers to how useful something is. For example, a car is a very effective form of transportation, able to move people across long distances, to specific places, but a car may not trasport people efficiently because of how it uses fuel.