
What is the difference between quand and OU in French?

What is the difference between quand and OU in French?

2) Où = when I know what you’re thinking, “But quand means ‘when’!” You’re right, it does, but not as a relative pronoun: quand is either an interrogative adverb or a subordinating conjunction. When you need a relative pronoun that means “when,” you need où.

What language is lorsque?

Translation of lorsque – French–English dictionary.

What is the difference between AU and DE in French?

Generally speaking, à means “to,” “at,” or “in,” while de means “of” or “from.” Both prepositions have numerous uses and to understand each better, it is best to compare them.

Whats the difference between lorsque and Quand?

‘Quand’ versus ‘Lorsque’ The conjunctions quand and lorsque both mean “when.” They are interchangeable when they indicate a simple correlation in time, although lorsque is a bit more formal.

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What is the difference between Quand and a quelle heure?

‘À quelle heure’ is ‘at what time’, so: À quelle heure vous arriverez? ‘ What time are you coming? ‘Quand’ is ‘when’, which can mean more than just the time.

Are quand and lorsque interchangeable?

Quand and lorsque are interchangeable when they introduce a subordinate clause. The meaning is the same, but lorsque is a bit more formal than quand, and quand is more frequent in spoken French.

How do you use quand in French?

‘Quand’ (‘When’)

  1. Je marchais quand tu m’as téléphoné. > I was walking when you called me.
  2. Quand je t’ai vu, j’avais peur. > When I saw you, I was afraid.
  3. Je te verrai demain quand j’arriverai. * > I will see you tomorrow when I arrive.

What is the contraction for De Le?

However, when followed by the definite articles le or les, these prepositions “contract” with them to form one word….Related lessons.

Preposition + article Contraction Example
de + le du Je viens du marché. (le marché /market)