
What is the difference between rate and running contract?

What is the difference between rate and running contract?

What is the difference between rate contract and running contract? – Quora. A rate contract is essentially related to a fixed rate. Thus, within the period of currency of the contract, the contractor has to supply material (irrespective of quantity) at a fixed rate.

What does rate contract mean?

A Rate contract is an agreement between the supplier and purchaser to supply items for a fixed unit price for a specified period of time i.e., till the validity of the rate contract. Rate contracts are generally employed by governmental ministries and departments since they require items in bulk.

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What is the running contract?

Running Contracts. —This means a contract for a definite quantity of materials to be delivered in one or more instalments, delivery of each instalment being completed by a definite date.

What is running contract tender?

What is a target contract?

A target cost contract is a type of cost reimbursable contract under which the contractor is paid the ‘actual cost’ (usually defined in the particular contract) it incurs in carrying out the works, but subject to a target cost which is agreed by the parties at the beginning of the project.

How is rate contract?

Rate Contracts. —The Rate Contract is a contract under which, during the period of its currency, the contractor engages to supply materials on demand, irrespective of quantity, at fixed unit rates or prices, within a given period of the receipt of such demand.

What is GCC in railway?

c) “GCC” means General Condition of Contract. d) “RC” means Rate Contract.

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What is a rate contract?

Rate Contracts : The Rate Contract is a contract under which, during the period of its currency, the contractor engages to supply materials on demand, irrespective of quantity, at fixed unit rates or prices, within a given period of the receipt of such demand.

What is the essence of a rate and running contract?

In running contract, the essence is supply of quantity of material within a given period by the contractor as and when ordered Under Indian Railways Accounts code, paras 407 & 408 deals with rate and running contracts. The paras are extracted below. 407.

What is a running contract in construction?

Running Contracts : The Running Contract is one under which, during the period of its currency the contractor engages to supply, and the other party to the contract to take, a specified quantity (with a percentage tolerance either way) of materials, as and when ordered, at fixed unit rates or prices, within a given period of the receipt of such

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How to set up a rate contract in a category?

The process of setting up a rate contract in a category follows a set of standard steps:- Procurement spend analysis: Identification of cumulative spend, identification of key suppliers and their share of business, identification of average price of procurement, spend growth projections