
What is the difference between verduras and hortalizas?

What is the difference between verduras and hortalizas?

Basically, “hortalizas” are every single product grown from a vegetable garden for human consumption that are not fruits, cereal or legume. On the other hand, “verduras” are those vegetables whose green leaves and soft stalkes are for consumption.

What is the difference between Legumbres and verduras?

Verdura= salad vegetables. Legumbre= legume in English, so that’s peas, lentils and beans.

Is Verdura a vegetable?

A “vegetal” is anything relative to plants, and “verdura” is a vegetable.

What do Legumbres vegetales and verduras all mean?

Spanish term or phrase: “verduras”, “vegetales” and “legumbres” English translation: “greens”, “vegetables” and “pulses”

What are Spanish vegetables?

What to eat in Spain? 10 Most Popular Spanish Vegetables

  • Garlic. Ajo Morado de Las Pedroñeras. Province of Albacete.
  • Potato. Pataca de Galicia.
  • Peppers. Pimientos del Piquillo de Lodosa.
  • Onion. Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro.
  • Tomato. Tomate La Cañada.
  • Artichoke. Alcachofa de Tudela.
  • Scallion. Calçot de Valls.
  • Bell Pepper. Pementos de Padrón.
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What are the names of vegetables in Spanish?

Vegetables in Spanish (Las Verduras)

  • El repollo/La col: cabbage.
  • La zanahoria: carrot.
  • La coliflor: cauliflower.
  • El pepino: cucumber.
  • El ajo: garlic.
  • La lechuga: lettuce.
  • Los champiñones: mushrooms.
  • El pimiento: pepper.

What is the most popular vegetable in Spain?

Tomato was the preferred vegetable consumed by households in Spain with a consumption volume o f 13.3 kilograms per person on that year. Not only that, tomato was also the most produced vegetable in Spain. On the other side, onions ranked second on the list, with a consumption of seven kilos per capita.