
What is the fastest way to search for words in a PDF?

What is the fastest way to search for words in a PDF?

How to search for a word in a PDF using any PDF reader

  1. Open any PDF with your default PDF reader.
  2. Press CTRL+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac).
  3. In the text box, enter your search term.
  4. The first match will be highlighted.
  5. Press Enter or click the right arrow to navigate between the results.

How do I search for a part in a PDF?

Find and replace text in PDFs

  1. Choose Edit > Find (Ctrl/Command+F).
  2. Type the text you want to search for in the text box on the Find toolbar.
  3. To replace text, click Replace With to expand the toolbar, then type the replacement text in the Replace With text box.
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How do I search in Apple PDF?

You can open a PDF or other document in Preview, then search for a word or any set of characters. In the Preview app on your Mac, open a PDF. In the Preview toolbar, type a word or phrase in the search field (you may need to resize the window to see it).

How do you search within a document on an iPad?

How to Search Within Documents on an iPad

  1. iBooks makes text searching particularly easy. Simply select the magnifying glass icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen, type in the text your are looking for, and tap “Search.”
  2. If you are using Safari, searching for text is also remarkably easy.

How do I search for non searchable PDFs?

After opening the PDF, try searching for a word known to be in the document (preferably a word that appears on several different pages) by clicking CTRL-F and entering the word in the Find box. If the message below appears, the document is not text-searchable.

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How do I search a PDF for multiple words?

Searching for multiple words within a PDF

  1. Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Click Edit > Advanced Search on the menu bar or specify Shift+Ctrl+F.
  3. Within the Search window, select In the current document.
  4. Specify the string of words to locate in the text box.

How do I search a PDF on my iPad?

Five simple steps for searching a PDF on an iPad. Select the specific PDF you want to search. Look toward the upper right on your screen and find the magnifying glass. Tap the magnifying glass. Type in the text you want to locate and navigate through the search results.

Can you search a PDF on iPhone?

Open the PDF you want to search. Look toward the upper right on your screen and locate the magnifying glass. Tap the magnifying glass and type in the text you want to search. Navigate through the search results that pop up.

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How do I search for text in multiple PDF files without opening them?

The option you’re looking for is located in the Edit menu. Click on the Edit menu at the top and select the option that says Advanced Search. Alternatively, you can press Shift + Ctrl + F.