
What is the frequency in parallel resonance condition?

What is the frequency in parallel resonance condition?

Frequency at Resonance Condition in Parallel resonance Circuit. The value of inductive reactance XL = 2πfL and capacitive reactance XC = 1/2πfC can be changed by changing the supply frequency. As the frequency increases, the value of XL and consequently the value of ZL increases.

What is the effect of frequency on XC and XL?

Note: Xl is a linear function; it increases as frequency or inductor value increases. Note: Xc is inversely proportional to frequency and capacitance. If either frequency or capacitance increases, Xc decreases.

What is parallel resonant circuit obtain condition for parallel resonance?

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In practice, the impedance (Z) of the circuit is maximum and not infinite because of resistance of the coil and hence the r.m.s. current given to the circuit is minimum (tends to zero),this is the condition of parallel resonance.

Which refers to a parallel circuit?

The current through each element is same. The voltage across element is in proportion to it’s resistance value. The equivalent resistance is greater than any one of the resistors. The current through any one element is less than the source current.

Is resonant frequency the same in series and parallel?

The main difference between series and parallel resonance is that series resonance occurs when the arrangement of the components creates the minimum impedance, whereas parallel resonance occurs when the arrangement of components creates the largest impedance.

How does the frequency affect the capacitive reactance?

Capacitive reactance of a capacitor decreases as the frequency across its plates increases. Therefore, capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to frequency.

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How do you increase reactance in parallel resonance?

Frequency at Resonance Condition in Parallel resonance Circuit The value of inductive reactance XL = 2πfL and capacitive reactance XC = 1/2πfC can be changed by changing the supply frequency. As the frequency increases, the value of X L and consequently the value of Z L increases.

What is the difference between resonance and parallel resonant circuit?

At resonance there will be a large circulating current between the inductor and the capacitor due to the energy of the oscillations, then parallel circuits produce current resonance. A parallel resonant circuit stores the circuit energy in the magnetic field of the inductor and the electric field of the capacitor.

What is the effect of impedance on resonance frequency?

In simple reactive circuits with little or no resistance, the effects of radically altered impedance will manifest at the resonance frequency predicted by the equation given earlier. In a parallel (tank) LC circuit, this means infinite impedance at resonance.

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Why does the impedance of a parallel circuit change with frequency?

Also as the impedance of a parallel circuit changes with frequency, this makes the circuit impedance “dynamic” with the current at resonance being in-phase with the voltage since the impedance of the circuit acts as a resistance.