
What is the main device of 2nd generation computer?

What is the main device of 2nd generation computer?

A transistor computer, now often called a second generation computer, is a computer which uses discrete transistors instead of vacuum tubes.

What is an example of generation of computer?

Classification of generations of computers

Generations of computers Generations timeline Evolving hardware
First generation 1940s-1950s Vacuum tube based
Second generation 1950s-1960s Transistor based
Third generation 1960s-1970s Integrated circuit based
Fourth generation 1970s-present Microprocessor based

What are the two examples of fourth generation computers?

Some other examples of fourth generation computers are included: IBM 4341, DEC 10, STAR 1000 and PUP 11.

What was used in second generation?

In this generation, transistors were used that were cheaper, consumed less power, more compact in size, more reliable and faster than the first generation machines made of vacuum tubes. In this generation, magnetic cores were used as the primary memory and magnetic tape and magnetic disks as secondary storage devices.

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What are examples of fifth generation computers?

Applications examples of 5th generation computers are: Intelligent systems that could control the route of a missile and defense-systems that could fend off attacks; Word processors that could be controlled by means by speech recognition; Programs that could translate documents from one language to another.

What are third generation computers?

The third generation of computer is marked by the use of Integrated Circuits (IC’s) in place of transistors. A single I.C has many transistors, resistors and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The I.C was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable and efficient.

What did second generation computers used for circuitry?

The transistor is an influential invention that changed the course of history for computers. The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes; the second generation of computers used transistors; the third generation of computers used integrated circuits; and the fourth generation of computers used microprocessors.

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What are 4th generation computers?

Fourth Generation of computers was between 1971 – 1980. These computers used the VLSI technology or the Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits technology. Therefore they were also known as the microprocessors. The first “personal computer” or PC developed by IBM, belonged to this generation.