
What is the main message of David and Goliath?

What is the main message of David and Goliath?

David knew size doesn’t matter, it’s HEART, COURAGE, and COMMITMENT that matters. You can apply the same principle and same level of thinking to your life and the challenges you’re facing. Think bigger than the challenge, be bigger than the obstacle, and act as if it’s impossible for you not to fail.

Why did Goliath want to fight David?

Why are David and Goliath fighting to begin with? Because the Philistines have proposed to send their toughest warrior against the Israelites’ toughest warrior to settle a dispute in “single combat.” As Gladwell put it in his TED talk: And he’s so terrifying that none of the Israelite soldiers want to fight him.

How long did Goliath scream?

As Goliath yelled across the battlefield for 40 days beckoning a man to fight him, the Israelite army was “dismayed and greatly afraid”, including David’s seven older brothers.

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What can we learn from David?

David is chosen to be king because he has what Saul does not: a heart for God. David’s heart for God prepares him to be used by God. Our impressive resumes aren’t what make us useful in God’s kingdom. The first lesson we learn from David’s life is the importance of cultivating a heart for God above all else.

Did David Pray for Goliath?

At the time of his death he was just thirty-nine years old. The fourth stone that David picked up may represent prayer. As David went to meet Goliath he had a prayer in his heart.

Why did David refuses Saul’s armor?

David was comfortable refusing the King Saul’s offer because he knew himself – his strengths and limitations. He knew he couldn’t fight Goliath wearing an armour and wielding a sword. He hadn’t been trained to use these gear. This attempt to help David was based on Saul’s experience and expertise as a soldier.

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What was David’s advice about life?

Think bigger than the challenge, be bigger than the obstacle, and act as if it’s impossible for you not to fail.

Why was David so confident that he could defeat Goliath?

But, God never lies and He is omnipotent, which means He is all-powerful and can always keep His Word. Therefore, David knew for sure that God would not let him die by Goliath’s sword.