
What is the maximum amount of penalty under the RTI Act 2005 that can be imposed on Cpio?

What is the maximum amount of penalty under the RTI Act 2005 that can be imposed on Cpio?

The amount of penalty shall be Rs. 250.00 per day, till the information is furnished or the application is received, subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,000.00. The penalty has to be paid by the PIO from his salary and not by the Public Authority.

What are the penalty of RTI?

Amount of penalty: The CIC/SIC has the power to impose a penalty of INR 250 each day till the RTI application is received or information is furnished by the CPIO. The total amount of such a penalty however, is not to exceed INR 25,000.

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What is the limit to get information concerning the life and liberty of person?

48 Hours
For matters involving “Life and Liberty “of a person the time limit for the PIO to provide information is 48 Hours.

What is the time limit for RTI First Appeal?

30 days
Time limit for filing Appeal is 30 days from the expiry of date on which information was to be received by the Applicant or from the date of receipt of such decision.

What is the maximum number of information commissioner?

ten Information Commissioners
The Central Information Commission (CIC) can have a Chief Information Commissioner and a maximum of ten Information Commissioners.

How many commissions does RTI Act have?

Commission includes 1 Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and not more than 10 Information Commissioners (IC) who will be appointed by the President of India.

What is the time limit to get the information concerning the life and liberty of a person a 48 hours B 24 hours C 5 days?

If request for information is received through the APIO, the information may be provided within 35 days of receipt of application by the APIO in normal course and 48 hours plus 5 days in case the information sought concerns the life or liberty of a person.

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What is the time limit to get the information concerning the life and liberty of a person * 1 point 48 hours 24 hours 4 days one week?

The public information officer (PIO) is bound to furnish information sought under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, within 48 hours if it concerns life or liberty of a person.

What is the time limit for filing appeal before sic?

The Second Appeal must be filed within 90 days from the date on which the First Appellate Authority decision was actually received by the Appellant or within ninety days after expiry of 45 days of filing of First Appeal in cases where no reply has been received.

What is the time limit for information under RTI Act 2005 Mcq?

The information can be obtained within 30 days from the date of request in normal case and in the matter of life or liberty of a person, information can be obtained within 48 hours from the time of the request. Certain information is prohibited under Section 8.