
What is the maximum value of insulation resistance?

What is the maximum value of insulation resistance?

The rule may be stated: Insulation resistance should be approximately one megohm for each 1,000 volts of operating voltage, with a minimum value of one megohm. For example, a motor rated at 2,400 volts should have a minimum insulation resistance of 2.4 megohms.

What must the test voltage be when doing an insulation resistance test?

The most common voltages are 500V and 1,000V. Higher voltages are used to stress an insulation to a greater degree and thus obtain more accurate results. Table 1. Recommended test voltages for routine maintenance insulation-resistance tests of equipment rated to 4,160V and above.

What is the test voltage range of a typical Megger?

50 V to 15 kV
The Megger Group supplies a comprehensive range of testers for such applications, from 50 V to 15 kV insulation resistance testers, through VLF and AC Tan Delta test sets to diagnostic Dielectric Frequency Response instruments and HiPot or proof testers using AC or DC up to 80/800 kV.

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What should be the spacing between the two conductors if the working voltage is 11 kv?

101 mm – Spacing between two conductors if working voltage is 11 kV.

What is the minimum acceptable value of insulation resistance?

For many years, maintenance professionals have used the one-megohm rule to define the allowable lower limit for insulation resistance. The rule states that insulation resistance should be approximately one megohm for each 1000 volts of operating voltage, with a one megohm minimum.

Is a Megger AC or DC?

Therefore, if we apply AC voltage during IR test then there will always be a flow of current through the capacitor and thus a leakage current to the ground. This is the reason, an Insulation Tester or Megger have DC voltage generator.

What is the minimum insulation resistance reading?

The rule states that insulation resistance should be approximately one megohm for each 1000 volts of operating voltage, with a one megohm minimum. (By following this rule, a motor rated at 2400 volts should have a minimum insulation resistance of 2.4 megohms).