
What is the meaning of row after row?

What is the meaning of row after row?

Definition of row upon row : many rows The bookstore has row upon row of self-help books.

Is it in a row or on a row?

What is a row? If it is a row of people, you are within the row, you are part of the row, you are thus ‘in’ the row – e.g. I will be sitting in the 4th row. If you said ‘on’ when talking about the row of people, it would suggest you are on top of the people.

What is the two meanings of row?

1 : a number of objects arranged in a usually straight line a row of bottles also : the line along which such objects are arranged planted the corn in parallel rows. 2a : way, street. b : a street or area dominated by a specific kind of enterprise or occupancy doctors’ row. 3 : twelve-tone row.

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What is a different word for row?

What is another word for row?

line file
succession tier
consecution crocodile
sequence echelon
order progression

What does had row mean?

row noun (ARGUMENT) a noisy argument or fight: My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting. rowUK My parents had a row about money.

Is it in a roll or a row?

You can eat cold meat or cheese in a roll. ‘In a row’ means all standing neatly next to each other like a row of soldiers. I’ve never heard the expression ‘in a roll’ unless you are asking someone what filling they would like in their bread roll for lunch…

How do you use a row?

Example Sentences

  1. He has been sick for three days in a row.
  2. I can’t believe that my husband has made me go the same place for our anniversary three years in a row.
  3. My sister has won eight tennis matches in a row.
  4. Before I buy a house, I will need to get all of my ducks in a row.
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Is row horizontal or vertical?

The horizontal arrangements of the number are called rows and the vertical arrangement is called the column.