
What is the meaning of the title Blossoms of the Savannah?

What is the meaning of the title Blossoms of the Savannah?

Blossoms’ refer to flowers of plants especially ones producing edible fruits. Simply put,blossoms of Savannah imply flowering plants which are ready to produce fruits that grow in a woodland or grassland.It brings out the uniqueness and outstanding traits of such plants that survive and thrive in harsh ecosystem.

What is the setting of Blossoms of the Savannah?

Set in Maasai land , with its setting alternating from Nakuru to Nasila where major actions unfold, Henry Ole Kulet’s “Blossoms of the Savannah” is an epic tale of how the two daughters of Ole Kaelo, Resian and Taiyo resist the brutal and barbaric culture that demonizes women in an extremely patriarchal system.

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When was blossoms of the Savannah written?

It is the story of two sisters, Taiyo and Resian, who are on the verge of womanhood and torn between their personal ambitions and the humiliating duty to the Nasila tradition….

ISBN 9789966499264
Published 2008
Publisher Longhorn Publishers, Kenya
Format Paperback

Who is Emakererei?

​The Emakererei is a manager at Ntale Naaju Ranch. She is also Mini – ene – Nkoitoi. The author has used her to bring about change in the Novel.

How many pages does Blossoms of the Savannah have?

297 pages
Blossoms of the Savannah is an account of two sisters, Taiyo and Resian, who are not only on the verge of womanhood, but are torn between their personal ambitions and the humiliating duty to the Nasila tradition….Bibliographic information.

Title Blossoms of the Savannah Masterpiece series
Length 297 pages

Who published Blossoms of the Savannah?

Blossoms of the Savannah by HR Ole Kulet. Copies of this novel may be hard to get hold of outside Kenya, where it was published by the Sasa Sema imprint of Longhorn Publishers in Nairobi, winning the Jomo Kenyatta Prize for Literature in 2009.

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What are the character traits of Resian in Blossoms of the Savannah?

Stubborn/insistent/Lazy Apart from laziness, Resian is stubborn. She refuses to serve her father’s guests alone unless Taiyo is there with her. She also insists on pursuing further education until when her dream comes true.

Who is Oloisudori?

Joseph reveals that Oloisudori is a shadowy figure; a Jack -of-all-trades. He is also, a poacher, smuggler, robber, extortionist and a hired assassin. He had survived numerous jail terms and was now incorrigible. Due to the revelation, the girls fear for their father.

What are the themes in Blossoms of the Savannah?


  • Tradition. Tradition is people’s beliefs and practices which in this case has been passed on from one generation to another.
  • Affluence.
  • Female Genital Mutilation.
  • Education.
  • Gender Inequality and the Place of a Woman in Society.
  • Patriarchy/ Male Chauvinism.

What are the character traits of Ole kaelo?

Character traits of Ole kaelo.

  • strict.
  • commanding/short tempered.
  • Hateful.
  • Sexist.
  • Egocentric/chauvinistic.
  • Greedy.
  • Modern.
  • Enterprising.
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How many kids Simiren have?

Simiren has a large polygamous household of four wives and sixteen children – with two more on the way. This is the kind of family structure favoured by the clan, though Parsimei had never wanted to take additional wives.

Who was Joseph Parmuat?

Joseph Parmuat’s role is important in the novel. The novelist uses him to anchor the theme of culture. He also helps in the emancipation of women through his sacrifice towards Taiyo’s education.