
What is the most interesting fact about the Civil War?

What is the most interesting fact about the Civil War?

It was the deadliest war in American history. There were around 210,000 soldiers killed in action and 625,000 total dead. Thirty percent of all Southern white males between the ages of 18 and 40 died in the war. Around 9 million people lived in the Southern states at the time of the Civil War.

What is an interesting fact about World war 1?

8 million soldiers died in WW1 and 21 million were injured. 65 million troops were mobilized during during the war, 8 million troops died and 21 million troops were wounded. 58,000 British soldiers were lost on the first day at the Battle of the Somme. Chemical weapons were first used in World War I.

What are 20 facts about the Civil War?

01Women Had an Important Role in the American Civil War.

  • 02The Civil War Is Considered the First Modern War.
  • 03More Men Died during the American Civil War than in Any Other American Conflict.
  • 04The Civil War Was Also Fought at Sea.
  • 05The Union Army Was Surprisingly Multi-Cultural.
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    What was the deadliest war in American history?

    The Civil War
    The Civil War was America’s bloodiest conflict. The unprecedented violence of battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked citizens and international observers alike. Nearly as many men died in captivity during the Civil War as were killed in the whole of the Vietnam War.

    Who was the youngest person in World war 1?

    Momčilo Gavrić, in Serbian military from age eight; youngest soldier in World War I in any of the nations which fought in World War I. John Condon, from Waterford, Ireland: incorrectly believed to have been the youngest Allied soldier killed (age 14), but later found to have been age 18 at his death.

    What makes the Civil War unique in American history?

    The War Between the States, as the Civil War was also known, ended in Confederate surrender in 1865. The conflict was the costliest and deadliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 620,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, millions more injured and much of the South left in ruin.