What is the purpose of a riser room?
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What is the purpose of a riser room?
These system risers contain the pressure gauges, control valves, water flow alarms, and main drains for the sprinkler system. Riser rooms serve the purpose of allowing maintenance workers and emergency personnel to quickly and easily access the fire sprinkler system’s controls for maintenance and emergency purposes.
Why is it called a dry riser?
The reason it is called a ‘dry’ riser is that there is no water in the pipe; the pipe is filled with compressed air which prevents water entering the pipe unless a fire activates one of the sprinklers. The inlet for the dry riser is visible on the outside of the building at ground level.
What is a riser system?
A riser system is essentially conductor pipes connecting floaters on the surface and the wellheads at the seabed. There are essentially two kinds of risers, namely rigid risers and flexible risers. A hybrid riser is the combination of these two.
How do you turn off fire risers?
Location, size, pipe type, and length of underground supply line from the water storage tank to the base of the riser or water meter if a water meter is present. Location and size of the water meter, if applicable. water meter to the house, if applicable. Location and size of the fire sprinkler riser.
What is a fire-riser room in a condo?
That is the room or rooms where distribution for all fire control water is located. Fire Sprinklers water supply and domestic Fire Hydrants and other water supply controls including the Fire Pulp if required are located there. It is usually in a basement or a first floor room. How often are fire-riser rooms in condos accessed, and for what reasons?
Do I need a riser room with a fire sprinkler system?
Where the reliance on a fire sprinkler system may not be as strong, a designated room may not be provided or necessary. However, if a riser room is provided, it must comply with ICC, NFPA, and local codes.
What are the requirements for an idriser room?
Riser rooms also must meet the requirements of ICC’s International Fire Code (IFC), which addresses fire protection in completed, occupied buildings.
What are the code requirements for a common riser room?
In general, though, following are some of the code requirements that your common riser room will need to comply with: Sprinkler system risers must be readily accessible within the riser room. The door to the room may be kept locked, but a key must be available at all times to emergency and maintenance personnel.