
What is the purpose of Rehabilitation Council of India?

What is the purpose of Rehabilitation Council of India?

Ans. The Rehabilitation Council of India has been set up as a Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament and its specific role is to develop, standardize and regulate training programmes/ courses at various levels in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education.

When was Rehabilitation Council of India established?

Rehabilitation Council of India/Founded
The rehabilitation Council of India(RCI) was set up as registered society in 1986. On september, 1992 the RCI Act was enacted by parliament and it became a statutory body on 22 June 1993. The Act was amended by parliament in 2000 to make it broadbased.

What is the function of RCI in education of CWSN?

While NCTE deals with general education courses which have an optional paper on special education, Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) runs special education courses which focus on specific disabilities.

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What are the twin responsibilities of RCI?

Thus the Council has the twin responsibility of standardizing and regulating the training of personnel and professional in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education.

What are the objectives of rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation Objectives

  • Prevention of the loss of function.
  • Slowing the rate of loss of function.
  • Improvement or restoration of function.
  • Compensation for loss of function (compensatory strategies)
  • Maintenance of current function.

In which year the national year of disability was declared?

In 1976, the General Assembly proclaimed 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons (IYDP)*.

What is state government policy towards CWSN?

Under SSA the state government is providing with facilities as identification of CWSNs, assessment, aids and appliances, resource teacher, learning materials, accessible schools and toilets, awareness programs etc with a budget allocation of Rs 3000/- per child per anum.

How many sections are there in CWSN?

The handbook is divided into three sections; Section one aims at building understanding about autism, section two provides curricular area and activity wise suggestions for inclusion of CwA and Section three elaborates on principles for enhancing a deeper understanding about CwA.

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What is Rehabilitation Council of India Act elaborate?

The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) is the apex government body, set up under an Act of Parliament, to regulate training programmes and courses targeted at disabled, disadvantaged, and special education requirement communities.

What is Continuing Rehabilitation education?

Norms and Guidelines for Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) programmes. RCI is responsible for the development, standardization and monitoring of training programs in the field of disability rehabilitation and special education.

What does rehabilitation mean in law?

The restoration of former rights, authority, or abilities. The process of rehabilitating a witness involves restoring the credibility of the witness following Impeachment by the opposing party. Rehabilitating a prisoner refers to preparing him or her for a productive life upon release from prison.
