
What is the reflectance of aluminum?

What is the reflectance of aluminum?

Bare Aluminum offers greater than 86\% reflectance from near UV to mid IR. Aluminum will slowly oxidize, resulting in a significant loss of reflectance in the UV, and slight scattering throughout the spectrum….Metal Mirror » Bare Aluminum.

RMI Standard Specifications
λ (μm): \% R, BAL:
0.30 92.3
0.34 92.5
0.38 92.5

What is the reflectivity of aluminum foil?

Foil may have a non-stick coating on only one side. The reflectivity of bright aluminium foil is 88\% while dull embossed foil is about 80\%.

Does aluminum block infrared?

Any electrically conductive material will block infrared radiation. Since aluminium foil is a highly conductive material, it will kill all infrared radiation.

Does aluminum reflect heat?

A shiny material like aluminum tends to reflect a lot of heat while wood and concrete absorb a much higher proportion. That means aluminum is slow to warm up when exposed to radiant heat. Everything that absorbs heat tends to give it off again.

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What wavelengths does aluminum reflect?

Aluminum has good reflectivity fairly deep into the infrared part of spectrum. It is reflective but increasingly lossy at UV wavelengths. The glass coating will truncate the reflectivity more severely, as it is only transparent between ~300-4000nm (visible wavelengths are roughly 400-700 nm).

Does Aluminium foil reflect UV?

There are various devices in which ultraviolet light is used. Aluminum (Al) is an only material having a high reflectance to the ultraviolet light in a wavelength range of 250 nm to 400 nm. A lightweight aluminum foil having high workability is suitable for the ultraviolet light reflecting material.

What will happen if you shine a flashlight on aluminum foil?

Reflecting Light: Place a smooth piece of aluminum foil on a smooth surface near a wall. Shine a flashlight onto the foil at an angle. You should see a reflection of the flashlight beam on the wall. Because the surface of the foil is no longer smooth, some of the light is reflected in different directions.

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Can infrared be reflected?

A multilayer dielectric coating can reflect nearly 100\% of the IR light hitting it – this is called a dielectric mirror. Metals are one way to reflect infrared light, but not the only way. Dielectrics will also reflect IR. The polished surface of just about any material will reflect some light.

Why is aluminum a good conductor of heat?

Materials that make good heat conductors are usually those with lots of free electrons. Metals are good conductors because they have lots of free electrons to play with. Aluminum, for example, is a far superior conductor to water.