
What is the story behind the logo of HMV?

What is the story behind the logo of HMV?

The trademark image comes from a painting by English artist Francis Barraud titled His Master’s Voice. It was acquired from the artist in 1899 by the newly formed Gramophone Company and adopted as a trademark by the Gramophone Company’s United States affiliate, the Victor Talking Machine Company.

What is the dog on the RCA label?

Commonly identified as a fox terrier, Nipper was actually a mixed-breed. According to his biographer (yes, Nipper has a biographer), he had plenty of bull terrier in him. The artist offered his work to the Edison-Bell Company, whose executives failed to see how it could help sales.

What was the name of the Victrola dog?

The iconic image of a terrier-mix dog, Nipper, looking into a phonograph became an international symbol of quality and excellence for the Victor Talking Machine Company and later RCA Victor.

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Was the RCA dog a Jack Russell?

Nipper (1884–1895) was born in Bristol, England, and was a mixed-breed Jack Russell Terrier. The playful dog’s tendency to bite the backs of visitors legs earned him the name.

What is the HMV dog called?

It’s one of the most famous trademarks of the 20th century: a dog, perhaps a terrier mix, looking at a gramophone horn, head tilted quizzically. It’s from an 1898 painting called “His Master’s Voice.” The dog has a name — and a story that may bring a lump to the throat of any dog lover. His name was Nipper.

How much is HMV worth?

On 5 April 2013, HMV was bought out of administration by Hilco UK for an estimated £50 million.

Why is it called RCA Victor?

Name. There are different accounts as to how the “Victor” name came about. RCA historian Fred Barnum gives various possible origins of the name in “His Master’s Voice” In America, he writes, “One story claims that Johnson considered his first improved Gramophone to be both a scientific and business ‘victory.

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What was the HMV dog called?

Was Nipper a rat terrier?

The pup in question was a real live dog owned by a theatrical scenic artist named Mark Barraud in Bristol, England in the late 1800s. He was called Nipper, inspired by his penchant for nipping people’s heels. Apparently, as with many terriers, Nipper was also a ratter of great success.

Did the RCA dog have a name?

The iconic image of the RCA dog “Nipper” became part of the long heritage of the RCA brand and an international symbol of quality and excellence. In 1990, a puppy dog named “Chipper” was added to the RCA dog family. “Nipper” and his companion “Chipper” became the famous “RCA dogs”.

Why is HMV called HMV?

HMV stands for His Master’s Voice, the title of a painting by Francis Barraud of Nipper, the mixed Terrier listening to a cylinder phonograph, which was bought by the Gramophone Company in 1899.