
What is the use of Firebase Admin SDK?

What is the use of Firebase Admin SDK?

The Admin SDK lets you interact with Firebase from privileged environments to perform actions like: Read and write Realtime Database data with full admin privileges. Programmatically send Firebase Cloud Messaging messages using a simple, alternative approach to the Firebase Cloud Messaging server protocols.

Is Firebase client side or server side?

Firebase provides client SDKs for iOS, Android and Web (JS) platforms. Once such an app has been released, the end-users consume it via their mobile devices and web browsers. On the other hand, software built using the Firebase Admin SDKs are deployed and run by the app developers themselves.

What is the difference between Firebase and Firebase admin?

The admin SDK runs your code with administrative permissions. This means it bypasses the security rules of your Firebase Database. It also has functionality to manage users and mint custom tokens and can be used to send FCM messages.

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Can I use firebase Admin SDK in react?

Admin SDKs cannot be used in client-side environments. That includes web browsers. Admin SDKs can and should only be used in privileged server environments owned or managed by the developers of a Firebase app. You should use the Firebase web SDK in your React app.

What is Firebase client?

Unlike the Mobile and Web SDKs, the server client libraries create a privileged Cloud Firestore environment with full access to your database. The Firebase Admin SDKs bundle access to Cloud Firestore and several other Firebase products, like Firebase Auth and Firebase Cloud Messaging, in a single library.

Does Firebase have admin panel?

A ready-to-use admin panel to manage Firestore data, run queries, and build charts for any live Firebase database.

Is Firebase SDK free?

All other Firebase Auth features are free to use on all plans. All other Firebase Auth features are free to use on all plans.