
What is the word saboteurs mean?

What is the word saboteurs mean?

English Language Learners Definition of saboteur : a person who destroys or damages something deliberately : a person who performs sabotage. See the full definition for saboteur in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What does Lours mean in French?

m} lour (also: inferior, lower, nether, shoddy, subordinate)

What does Bach mean in French?

English Translation. tarpaulin. More meanings for bâche. tarpaulin noun.

What does faquin mean in French?

faquin m (plural faquins, feminine faquine) (archaic) wretch, rascal.

What does the word saboteurs mean in this passage foreigners?

Answer: saboteur is a noun that is fairly new to the English language it was first used in the early 1900s , and it refers to a person who deliberately destroy or obstructs something.

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Does saboteur mean rebel?

noun demonstrator, rebel, dissident, hooligan, vandal, delinquent, dissenter, agitator, protest marcher The saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and offices.

What does Lourd mean in French slang?

It is the word lourd (lou-re-d), which means “heavy,” with its syllables reversed. When someone is relou, they’re annoying or unbearable. Lourd can still mean “unbearable” in it’s normal form, but saying relou instead of lourd changes the meaning to be both “unbearable” and “annoying.”

What is the meaning of Leger?

Definitions of leger. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded. synonyms: account book, book, book of account, ledger.

What does Butty Bach mean in English?

Butty Bach is a Welsh term meaning ‘little friend’ – and this charmingly smooth premium ale has certainly made more than a few friendships in its time.

What is Bach in German?

noun. brook [noun] a small stream. a babbling brook.

What did the saboteurs use?

Etymology. The English word derives from the French word saboter, meaning to “bungle, botch, wreck or sabotage”; it was originally used to refer to labour disputes, in which workers wearing wooden shoes called sabots interrupted production through different means.

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What does habeas corpus mean in Latin?

The “Great Writ” of habeas corpus is a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. Translated from Latin it means “show me the body.” Habeas corpus has historically been an important instrument to safeguard individual freedom against arbitrary executive power.