
What is tuple in SQL with example?

What is tuple in SQL with example?

A single entry in a table is called a Tuple or Record or Row. A tuple in a table represents a set of related data. For example, the above Employee table has 4 tuples/records/rows.

What is a tuple equivalent to in SQL?

A tuple is a single instance of an entity class.

What do you mean by a tuple?

In mathematics, a tuple is a finite ordered list (sequence) of elements. An n-tuple is defined inductively using the construction of an ordered pair. Mathematicians usually write tuples by listing the elements within parentheses “( )” and separated by commas; for example, (2, 7, 4, 1, 7) denotes a 5-tuple.

Is there a difference between tuples and rows?

In the context of a RDBMS, a row—also called a record or tuple—represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table. A tuple is a fixed fixed-length list containing elements that need not have the same type. It can be, and often is, used as a key-value pair.

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Why are rows called tuples?

In the context of a relational database, a row—also called a tuple—represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table. Each row in a table represents a set of related data, and every row in the table has the same structure.

What is the difference between tuple and attribute?

An attribute is a name paired with a domain (nowadays more commonly referred to as a type or data type). An attribute value is an attribute name paired with an element of that attribute’s domain, and a tuple is a set of attribute values in which no two distinct elements have the same name.

What is attribute and tuple in SQL?

An attribute value is an attribute name paired with an element of that attribute’s domain, and a tuple is a set of attribute values in which no two distinct elements have the same name. Thus, in some accounts, a tuple is described as a function, mapping names to values.

Is tuple a data type?

Tuple. Tuple is one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are List, Set, and Dictionary, all with different qualities and usage. A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable. Tuples are written with round brackets.

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Can a tuple be a primary key?

As far as I know, if you flag multiple columns as Primary Keys, their tuple will be the actual Primary Key, in that, given 2 Primary keys in a table, multiple rows my have the same entry for 1 of the Primary Keys as long as they don’t have 2 matches to any other row.

What is the difference between tuple and column?

In the context of a relational database, a row—also called a tuple—represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table. Each column expects a data value of a particular type.

What is tuple in RDBMS?

Whatever its use in mathematics, a tuple in RDBMS is commonly considered to be a row in a table or result set. In an RDBMS a tuple is unordered. A tuple in an MDDBMS is the instance of data in a cell with its associated dimension instances (members).


SQL SELECT COUNT. The SQL COUNT() function is used to return the number of rows in a query. The COUNT() function is used with SQL SELECT statement and it is very useful to count the number of rows in a table having enormous data.

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What is sub query in SQL?

T-SQL – Sub-Queries. A sub-query or Inner query or Nested query is a query within another SQL Server query and embedded within the WHERE clause. A sub query is used to return data that will be used in the main query as a condition to further restrict the data to be retrieved.

What is spatial in SQL?

Spatial Data in SQL Server has special indexing because it has to perform specialised functions. It is able, for example, to break down an indexed space into a grid hierarchy by using a technique called tessellation.