
What is X2 visa?

What is X2 visa?

Visa Conversion Type Normally X-1 is for persons of Indian origin and X-2 is for spouses of people of Indian origin.

What is x1 visa India?

Entry Visas. X-1. Persons of Indian Origin who do not hold an OCI card. X-2. Spouses and children of Indian citizens/persons of Indian origin/OCI cardholders.

How do I file for divorce in Special Marriage Act?

Under Section 28 of the Act, which primarily deals with the provisions relating to obtaining a divorce by mutual consent in respect of a marriage solemnized and/or registered under the Act, a petition for divorce by mutual consent may be presented to the District Court.

How do you get married under a special marriage act?

Registration process Special Marriage Act: Registration is done 30 days after the date of notice after deciding any objection that may have been received during that period by the SDM. Both parties along with three witnesses are required to be present on the date of registration.

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What is X1 visa?

Introduction. X1 visa is issued to those who intend to study in China for a period of more than 180 days. Visa applicant should be located in the U.S. but not in the mainland of China while the application is submitted.

How can I convert my tourist visa to x2 visa?

Procedure To Convert Tourist Visa Into X Visa

  1. Check if they are eligible to get the visa converted.
  2. Conversion application can be done online, through the official website of the Indian Bureau of Immigration.
  3. Post the online application, a physical application should be given to the FRO/FRRO.

What is B2 Indian visa?

It is a non-immigrant visa, which is provided for various purposes such as travel, visits with relatives or friends, medical treatment, etc. The B2 visa is commonly known as the tourist visa.

Who can marry under Foreign Marriage Act?

It is the foundation of the act of foreign marriage in India. The marriages solemnized under this act require that one party is Indian or other party is a foreigner. The parties can be both Indian but solemnizing their marriage outside India or one party can be a Non-Resident of India (NRI).

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Who can get divorce under Special Marriage Act?

– (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and to the rules made thereunder, a petition for divorce may be presented to the district court either by the husband or the wife on the ground that the respondent- (a) has, after the solemnization of the marriage, had voluntary sexual intercourse with any person other than …