
What languages are spoken in NJ?

What languages are spoken in NJ?

Data Table

Language Spoken at Home Percent Who Speak English Less Than Very Well Numerator
Spanish 42.9\% 607,683
Arabic 32.0\% 22,609
Chinese 41.0\% 49,581
Gujarati 36.4\% 29,815

What is the second most spoken language in New Jersey?

Spanish is the second most spoken language in New Jersey with more than 1 million speakers in the state.

What is the third most spoken language in New Jersey?

The 3rd most commonly spoken language in New Jersey is one you may never heard of. Gujarati. Sounds like a high performance car, right?

How many people speak Spanish in NJ?

1.3 million residents
There are now about 1.3 million residents who speak Spanish at home in New Jersey, which follows the growth of the state’s Hispanic and Latino population, up 2 percentage points to 19.3 percent.

What is the largest industry in New Jersey?

New Jersey’s largest industries include financial services, transportation and logistics, and life sciences. While the technology industry in New Jersey is shrinking, the healthcare and life sciences industry continues to grow due to the concentration of institutions and demand driven by an older population.

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What is the mean household income in NJ?

The following data are the most current income statistics for New Jersey from the US Census Bureau, are in 2019 inflation adjusted dollars and are from the American Community Survey 2019 5-year estimates. Median Household Income: $82,545. Average Household Income: $114,691. Per Capita Income: $42,745.

What are some English words that come from Spanish?

These include:

  • Avocado – Spanish aguacate, from Nahuatl ahuacat.
  • Chili – chilli.
  • Chocolate – Spanish chocolate, from Nahuatl xocolatl meaning «hot water»
  • Cocoa – from the Spanish cacao, from Nahuatle cacáhuatl.
  • Guacamole – via American Spanish from Nahuatl ahuaca-molli («avocado sauce»)