
What organelles are in a cheek smear?

What organelles are in a cheek smear?

List 3 organelles that were NOT visible but should have been in the cheek cell.

  • Mitochondria.
  • Ribosomes.
  • Endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Golgi body.
  • Vacuoles.
  • Lysosomes.
  • chloroplasts.

What kind of cells did you scrape from the inside of your cheek?

The tissue that lines the inside of the mouth is known as the basal mucosa and is composed of squamous epithelial cells. These structures, commonly thought of as cheek cells, divide approximately every 24 hours and are constantly shed from the body.

What function do cheek cells have?

The primary function of cheek cells is to secrete proteins called mucins, which are a key component of mucus. When combined with saliva from the salivary glands, mucins help to keep the interior of the mouth moist. This helps with the chewing, softening, enzymatic digestion, and swallowing of food.

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What organelle is most numerous in cheek cells?

What organelle do you think would be numerous inside the cells of your mouth? Lysosomes because they take part in cell digestion and break down cellular waste.

What does a cheek cell contain?

Cheek cell contains membranous organelles and it shows membrane around the organelles and the nucleus. As it is an eukaryotic cell it contains Mitochondria, membrane bound cell organelles, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, etc. These structures or cell organelles are easily observed in human cheek cells.

What tissue is on the inside of your cheek?

Your mouth allows air and nutrients to enter your body, and it also helps you speak. It’s also called the oral cavity. The inner lining of your cheek is known as the buccal mucosa.

What structures are in cheek cells?

Cheek Cells Under a Microscope Requirements, Preparation and Staining

  • Cell membrane (outer boundary of the cell)
  • Cytoplasm (the fluid within the cell)
  • Nucleus (at the center of the cell and controls cell functions)
  • Organelles (e.g. mitochondria-Organelles are cell structures with specific functions)
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What organelle is numerous inside the cells of your mouth?

The organelle that would numerous in the cells of your mouth would be: the lysosome.

What 2 organelles are not visible in the cheek cell?

List two organelles that were NOT visible but should have been in the cheek cell. Mitochondria or lysosome or endoplasmic reticulum.

Which organelle determines the shape of a cheek cell?

The nucleus is one of the most prominent cellular organelles, yet surprisingly little is known about how it is formed, what determines its shape and what defines its size.