
What OSI layer is a Web browser?

What OSI layer is a Web browser?

Web browser uses something called Hypertext Transfer Protocol which is an Application layer protocol.

How the OSI layer provides the logical addressing for the routers to path determination?

Which layer provides logical addressing that routers will use for path determination? The Network layer provides logical addressing, typically IP addressing and routing.

Where is a website stored?

web server
The web page is stored on a computer known as a web server (server, for short). In order for the web page to be displayed on that computer or another computer, it must be accessed and interpreted by a specially designed program called the client software (client, for short).

What are the devices used in OSI layers?

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Network+/Standards/OSI Model/OSI Components

OSI Layer Purpose Device
Transport Reliability Firewall
Network Addressing, Routing Router
Data Link Logical Link Control, Media Access Control Switch, Bridge, Access Point
Physical Transmission Hub, NIC, Cable, Wireless

What protocols are in the session layer?


  • ADSP, AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol.
  • ASP, AppleTalk Session Protocol.
  • H.245, Call Control Protocol for Multimedia Communication.
  • ISO-SP, OSI session-layer protocol (X.225, ISO 8327)
  • iSNS, Internet Storage Name Service.
  • L2F, Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol.
  • L2TP, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol.

How do browsers display Web pages?

The web server locates and then sends the information to the web browser, which displays the results. When web browsers contact servers, they’re asking to be sent pages built with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Browsers interpret those pages and display them on your computer.