
What paper airplane design flies the farthest?

What paper airplane design flies the farthest?

In 2012, Collins set the world record for the farthest flight by a paper aircraft. Thrown by football player Joe Ayoob, the glider, named “Suzanne,” after Collins’ wife, flew 226 feet, 10 inches (69.14 meters) before gracefully making its way into history.

Does the type of paper affect a paper airplane?

There are other factors that influence how well a paper airplane flies. The type of paper used can affect its weight and the amount of friction that exists. The design of the wings, body, nose and tail can all drastically change the way the plane flies.

What is the name of the best paper airplane?

The Best Paper Airplanes Anyone Can Make

  • Dart.
  • Sea Glider.
  • Concorde.
  • Tie Fighter.
  • Stunt Plane.
  • F-15 Eagle.
  • White Dove.
  • Straight Man.
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What are the requirements for you to make the paper airplane fly?

Drag and Gravity If you want your plane to fly as far as possible, you want a plane with as little drag as possible. A second force that planes need to overcome is “gravity.” You need to keep your plane’s weight to a minimum to help fight against gravity’s pull to the ground.

What type of paper is best for paper airplanes?

We recommend to use 80 to 100 GSM. Paper weight is measured by GSM (Grams per Square Meter) meaning if you take a square sheet of paper, with a length and width of one meter, this is its weight. Normal printing paper is 80-90 GSM, so a single sheet (from both formats of paper size) weights around 5 grams.

What is the name of a basic paper airplane?

dart airplane
The classic paper airplane using a handful straight folds on a standard 8.5- by 11-inch sheet of paper is the one that most of us learn how to fold as children. It is called a dart airplane, due both to its shape and flight pattern.

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Is thin or thick paper better for paper airplanes?

Conclusion. From our experiment, it seems like all of the paper airplanes flew roughly the same distance, regardless of paper weight. The lightest weight paper underperformed by a little bit, maybe because it was more affected by the wind, but in general there was very little difference.

What makes a paper airplane stay in the air?

As the plane moves forward, its wings cut through the air to generate a small amount of lift. As the air rapidly flows over and under the paper wing, a tiny vacuum is formed over the top of the wing to hold the plane aloft. As the forward motion diminishes, the airflow over the paper wing slows and the lift is reduced.

What paper is best for paper airplanes?

What makes a paper airplane fly?

Thrust and Lift Thrust is the forward movement of the plane. After this, paper airplanes are really gliders, converting altitude to forward motion. Lift comes when the air below the airplane wing is pushing up harder than the air above it is pushing down. It is this difference in pressure that enables the plane to fly.