
What saxophone reed should I use?

What saxophone reed should I use?

In general, a thinner reed, say 2 or 2.5, will have a brighter tone. Thinner reeds vibrate more easily, so they are good for beginners. Players of popular music or jazz often prefer this brighter tone and thus use thinner reeds.

What reed should I use for alto sax?

Most beginners start by using La Voz or Rico reeds, because they are the cheapest brands. A size 2 reed is a great place to start for a beginner. Play on it for a while before switching to a 2.5, unless it feels entirely too soft, then 2.5 is okay.

Are plastic reeds good?

Plastic reeds are excellent in that they can produce a sound which rivals that of good cane reeds while being more consistent and playing right out of the box. However, even the best plastic reeds will be surpassed by the best cane reeds in both quality of sound and responsiveness.

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Are plastic reeds better?

Sure, the best cane reeds may sound better than the best plastic reeds, but in outdoor settings cane reeds can be especially fickle….Are plastic reeds good?

Plastic Reeds Cane Reeds
The best brands have an overall good sound and are responsive The best cane reeds have a perfect sound and responsiveness

Are synthetic reeds good for beginners?

If you strive for consistency from box to box and reed to reed, but don’t want to spend a whole lot of time testing reeds and tossing the low-quality ones, give synthetic reeds a shot. Synthetic reeds are popular with beginner musicians for this reason.

What are the best reeds for saxophone?

The tone and resistance of your saxophone is affected by various reeds and how they are cut. Rico and La Voz are popular reed brands, and come highly recommended to younger players. In fact, both of these brands also offer very suitable basic reeds for new players, and years later many professionals prefer these reeds as well.

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What is the best Reed thickness for beginners?

Thinner reeds vibrate more easily, so they are good for beginners. Players of popular music or jazz often prefer this brighter tone and thus use thinner reeds. Reeds with a thickness of 4 or 5 are harder and thus require more skill to sound, but the tone is fatter, bigger, and warmer.

What is the best Reed size for jazz?

In general, a thinner reed, say 2 or 2.5, will have a brighter tone. Thinner reeds vibrate more easily, so they are good for beginners. Players of popular music or jazz often prefer this brighter tone and thus use thinner reeds.

What are the most important parts of a saxophone?

One of the most significant parts of a saxophone is the reed. Experimenting with reeds can not only change the sound of your saxophone immensely, but it’s also one of the least expensive parts of the instrument.