
What state is the zip code 00646?

What state is the zip code 00646?

Zip Code 00646 Profile Data

Official Zip Code Name Dorado
Primary County: Dorado
Area Code 787 / 939
Current Population: 38199
Racial Majority: 2.02\%

What is the zip code of San Juan City?

San Juan, Metro Manila

San Juan San Juan del Monte
ZIP code 1500–1504
PSGC 137405000
IDD : area code +63 (0)02
Native languages Tagalog

What is the zip code for Dorado Puerto Rico?

Dorado/Zip codes

What is zip personal code?

93, § 105(a), a zip code is “personal identification information.” “This is so because… a consumer’s zip code, when combined with the consumer’s name, provides the merchant with enough information to identify through publicly available databases the consumer’s address or telephone number, the very information § 105 (a …

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What is the zip code of Greenhills San Juan?

Greenhills, City of San Juan, National Capital Region (NCR) is located in Philippines. Its zip code is 1502.

How many barangays are in San Juan Ilocos Sur?

San Juan, officially the Municipality of San Juan (Ilocano: Ili ti San Juan; Filipino: Bayan ng San Juan), formerly called as Lapog, is a 3rd class municipality in the province of Ilocos Sur, Philippines….San Juan, Ilocos Sur.

San Juan Lapog
Named for St. John the Baptist
Barangays 32 (see Barangays)
• Type Sangguniang Bayan

How do I find my personal zip code?

To create a personal Zip, a postal customer would go to a postal web site, authenticate who they are, much as they do today to sign up for Informed Delivery, and provide their current address and, optionally, email address. The system would provide them their own 11 (or 12) digit Personal Zip Code.

What is the zip code of Cainta Rizal?

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Cainta/Zip codes

What is the zip code of Ilocos Sur?

Location Zip Code
Quirino (Angkaki) 2721
Salcedo (Baugen) 2711
San Emilio 2722
San Esteban 2706

What are four provinces in Ilocos Region?

The region is composed of four provinces, namely: Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union and Pangasinan. Its regional center is San Fernando City, La Union.