
What type of cancer is linked to lichen planus?

What type of cancer is linked to lichen planus?

Lichen Planus and Mouth Cancer This “erosive” lichen planus causes painful sores and ulcers in the mouth. It’s possible that about 1 percent to 5 percent of these cases may turn into oral cancer.

Can Oral Lichen Planus affect the esophagus?

Lichen planus is a rare cause of esophagitis and esophageal stricture. It is invariably associated with oral mucosal involvement and the diagnosis has to be considered in these patients who present with dysphagia. We present a case of esophageal stricture secondary to lichen planus.

Can you get cancer from lichen planus?

Patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) may have a slightly increased risk of oral cancer, although the precise risk is unknown. The risk of oral cancer in patients with oral lichen planus may be reduced by means of the following: Elimination of smoking and alcohol consumption.

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What diseases are linked to lichen planus?

Lichen planus is a cell-mediated immune response of unknown origin. It may be found with other diseases of altered immunity; these conditions include ulcerative colitis, alopecia areata, vitiligo, dermatomyositis, morphea, lichen sclerosis, and myasthenia gravis.

Is Oral lichen planus life threatening?

Lichen planus is not a dangerous disease, and it usually goes away on its own. However, in some people, it may come back.

Is Oral lichen planus precancerous?

Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a common mucosal condition that is considered premalignant by some, although others argue that only lichenoid lesions with dysplasia are precancerous.

What are the symptoms of esophageal lichen planus?

The most common symptoms are dysphagia (81\%), odynophagia (24\%) and weight loss (14\%), the same ones reported by our patient. Other symptoms that suggest the involvement of the esophagus include hoarseness, choking, and epigastric pain.

Can lichen planus cause difficulty swallowing?

Esophagus. Lichen planus of the esophagus is rare, but when it occurs, it may result in a narrowing of the esophagus or the formation of tightened, ringlike bands in the esophagus that can make swallowing difficult.

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Is Oral lichen planus harmful?

Can lichen planus cause stomach problems?

Background: Gastrointestinal complications, followed by involvement of gastrointestinal tract with oral lichen planus, are one of the problems of the patients with oral lichen planus. Gastrointestinal symptoms should be evaluated to reject malignancy probability (1-5\%).

What is pre malignancy?

Premalignant: Pertaining to tissue that is not yet malignant but is poised to become malignant. Appropriate clinical and laboratory studies are designed to detect premalignant tissue while it is still in a premalignant stage.