
What type of pipe is used for furnace exhaust?

What type of pipe is used for furnace exhaust?

PVC pipes are used on conventional and sealed combustion high-efficiency furnaces. This is because their combustion process produces and exhausts gases and condensate at a rapid pace, which would corrode metal materials in a short time.

What is the temperature rating for PVC pipe?

The maximum recommended operating temperature for PVC pressure pipe is 140°F. PVC pipe and conduit becomes stiffer with decreasing temperature and more flexible with increasing temperature. As with dimensions and pressure capacity, published pipe stiffness figures are applicable only for 73°F operating temperatures.

What are the PVC pipes on my furnace?

If your furnace is 90\% efficient or greater, you probably have PVC pipes coming out of the wall of your home that look something like those pictured here. These pipes allow the furnace to intake fresh air and to safely vent flue gasses out of the home.

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Can ABS pipe be used for furnace exhaust?

PVC or ABS plastic piping is often used on high-efficiency heating and water heating systems as vent piping for the exhaust gases, since the exhaust temperatures are relatively low. This includes high-efficiency furnaces, boilers, and water heaters.

Can I vent water heater with PVC?

PVC is fine. As Jason mentioned, plastic (PVC or ABS) is ok to use as a venting material on powervented hot water heaters. They work by sending a huge amount of air in with the flue gases that it decreases the temperature of the exhaust going through the vent enough that it will not comprimise the vent.

Can you vent an 80\% furnace with PVC?

The answer is YES and NO! An 80\% efficient furnace CAN be side wall vented per National Fuel as Code 7.3. 4 with the use of a “mechanical draft system of either forced or induced draft design”. The combustion air flow through the furnace must be controlled or its efficiency will decline.

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Can you use PVC pipe to vent a hot water heater?

How hot can PVC pipe get before melting?

140 degrees Fahrenheit
Explanation: PVC is a thermoplastic, and therefore, at some point it will begin to degrade and break down as it’s heated up. It just so happens that Schedule 40 PVC’s maximum operating temperature is 140 degrees Fahrenheit, around the same temperature that hot water gets to in most homes.

Can I use PVC to vent gas water heater?