
What were soldiers uniforms like in ww1?

What were soldiers uniforms like in ww1?

The soldier’s long johns and underclothes are made of cotton, while his pants, socks, gloves, tunic, and even hat are made of khaki-colored wool. Most of the clothing is military issue, although some items, including wool underlayers and socks, were often made by civilian women back home supporting the war effort.

Did WW1 soldiers wear gloves?

Civilians were busily knitting garments for British soldiers during the First World War. The gloves, socks, mittens, jerseys and balaclavas made by civilians became affectionately known as ‘comforts’. The First World War was a step into the unknown – much of the war effort had to be improvised.

Who invented khaki?

Sir Harry Burnett Lumsden
It is made in a variety of weaves, such as serge. Khaki uniforms were introduced by Sir Harry Burnett Lumsden and William Stephen Raikes Hodson in 1848 for British colonial troops in India and were found to be especially effective for field service and battle.

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Why did the US military go through a period of horrible uniforms?

The entire US military has gone through a spate of horrible uniforms over the last decade. It started when the Marines got their digital camo. This is a very good uniform and the other branches wanted it too. But Marines being Marines and wanting to stand out, said no.

Is this the most hideous garment ever issued to our troops?

If we can extend this to dress uniforms, the “US Army Summer Uniform” for women, which was authorized to be worn from 1975 to 1985, may be the most hideous garment ever issued to our troops in the history of the republic. Everyone called it “slimy limeys.”

Why did Romanian soldiers wear such elaborate uniforms in WW1?

Some fairly elaborate Romanian Officer uniforms during WW1. General Ion Emanoil Florescu, in charge of the Romanian army in the build-up to the First World War, loved a good display. And so he dressed the country’s armies up in elaborate uniforms rich with such flourishes as epaulets and headdresses.

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Why did British soldiers wear red uniforms in the 1700s?

When introduced in the seventeenth century, the red uniform for British soldiers was a great boon. It added a level of uniformity that had not previously existed and made for an intimidating sight. As times changed, the red uniforms became less advantageous and more hazardous.