
What will happen to the current if the resistance is halved?

What will happen to the current if the resistance is halved?

If the resistance is halved the current gets doubled. Electrical resistance is the obstruction in the flow of current. This means that when resistance will be less, the current will be more.

What will be the value of current in a circuit with constant potential difference and the resistance is doubled?

Current is directly proportional to Voltage and Inversely proportional to Resistance. According to Question, Given that,Keeping the potential difference constant, the resistance of a circuit is doubled. The Current will become Half.

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What will happen to the resistance of the resistor if the potential difference becomes double?

Answer: See answers below. The current is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. So doubling or tripling the resistance will cause the current to be one-half or one-third the original value.

What will be the value of current in a circuit with constant potential difference?

It will becomes one-fourth.

When resistance is made half at constant voltage current will become?

If the voltage is constant, the resistance of the circuit is halved. That is, it becomes R / 2. Thus by keeping the p.d. constant, the resistance of a circuit is halved and the current is doubled.

What will happen to current when the potential difference through the circuit is reduced to half of its value?

When the potential difference across the two ends of the electrical component becomes half its former value, the current through it also becomes half. Since I = V/R, when potential difference becomes V/2, current becomes I/2 as the resistance (R) of the component remain’ constant.

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When resistance is doubled at constant voltage current will become?

If the voltage is constant, the resistance is doubled and the current becomes half.

What will be the change in the current if the potential difference is kept constant and the resistance of the circuit is made four times?

Answer: According to Ohm’s law, the product of current and resistance should remain constant if the potential applied is the same. Hence, if resistance is made four times, then current should be one-fourth.

What happens to the current passing through a resistor if the potential difference across it is doubled and the resistance is halved?

On doubling of the potential difference across the ends of a conductor e, the current flowing through it also gets doubled, and when the potential difference is halved, the current also gets halved. On doubling of resistance, the current gets halved, and if the resistance is halved, the current gets doubled.

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What if the resistance in a circuit with constant voltage increases the current will?

So, an increase in the voltage will increase the current as long as the resistance is held constant. Alternately, if the resistance in a circuit is increased and the voltage does not change, the current will decrease.

What is meant by constant potential difference?

it may also be defined as the electric charge in a circuit between the two points. When some work is performed on the charge, it brings about a change in its potential energy and raises it to a higher value and this change in potential energy is the same as the amount of work done.

What is the difference between potential difference and potential drop?

Potential drop is the drop along a particular electrical conductor, from source end to utilization end and optimally very small. Potential difference is the potential between two conductors at some location in the system, source or load, or in between.