
What word means comprehend or understand?

What word means comprehend or understand?

The words appreciate and understand are common synonyms of comprehend. While all three words mean “to have a clear or complete idea of,” comprehend may stress the process of coming to grips with something intellectually.

What is an example of understand?

I can’t understand why she would do such a thing. She’s beginning to understand what’s going on. You have to understand that I had no other choice. At first we didn’t get along, but I think we understand each other now.

How do you use comprehend in a sentence?

Comprehend sentence example

  1. Only a handful of human minds can comprehend his work.
  2. I tried to comprehend his thought process but I found it irrational.
  3. We cannot comprehend either the Emperor’s aims or his actions!
  4. Deidre struggled to absorb the wild story, unable to comprehend most of it.
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What are three synonyms comprehend?

synonyms for comprehend

  • appreciate.
  • assimilate.
  • discern.
  • envision.
  • fathom.
  • grasp.
  • apprehend.
  • catch.

How do you use understood in a sentence?

Understood Sentence Examples

  • The girl understood and began to clear them.
  • But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.
  • He stood at the back, and, though he had heard hardly anything, understood everything in his own way.
  • He didn’t know if he understood what he was doing.

Is understood in sentence?

Understood Sentence Examples The girl understood and began to clear them. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name. He stood at the back, and, though he had heard hardly anything, understood everything in his own way. He didn’t know if he understood what he was doing.

Were understanding in a sentence?

Sentence examples for we were understanding from inspiring English sources. I thought we were understanding each other, but he looked down at the floor, even more embarrassed, and said, “Sorry, it won’t happen again. We’re understanding not to panic and to get back to what we do best”.

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What is a word for easy to understand?

What is another word for easy to understand?

understandable clear
easy to follow intelligible
comprehensible fathomable
coherent graspable
lucid accessible

Is comprehend and understand the same thing?

According to the dictionary, comprehend simply means understand, but to me the connotations are slightly different. Comprehend seems more “comprehensive” –I would describe it as a deeper and more complete level of understanding.