
What would happen if the Age of Exploration never happened?

What would happen if the Age of Exploration never happened?

If the Americas had never been colonized by the Europeans, not only would many lives have been saved, but also various cultures and languages. Modern-day California would be the most densely populated region, but the entire continent would be divided into different nations, much like Europe and Asia.

Who discovered America if it wasn’t Columbus?

Leif Erikson
But did Christopher Columbus discover America before other Europeans? Modern research has suggested that wasn’t even the case. Perhaps most famously, a group of Icelandic Norse explorers led by Leif Erikson likely beat Columbus to the punch by around 500 years.

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What if Christopher Columbus never discovered the New World?

If Columbus hadn’t made it to the Americas, some European voyage would have eventually reached the New World. The Portuguese might have discovered Brazil and concentrated their efforts on colonizing South America.

What if the Chinese discovered America?

The ancient civilization which China represented, would overspread the North and South American continents, in a dynamic process to shape world history. Eventually there would have been no need for the smaller European kingdoms like Portugal, Spain, or England to explore the oceans or for a Christopher Columbus.

What were the consequences of the Age of Exploration?

Impact of the Age of Exploration Explorers learned more about areas such as Africa and the Americas and brought that knowledge back to Europe. Massive wealth accrued to European colonizers due to trade in goods, spices, and precious metals.

What impact did the Age of Exploration have on Europe?

The voyages of explorers had a dramatic impact on European trade. As a result, more goods, raw materials and precious metals entered Europe. New trade centers developed, especially in the Netherlands and England. Exploration and trade led to the growth of capitalism.

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What if America was never Colonised?

If Europeans never colonized and invaded America, the native nations and tribes would continue to interact in trade. The coastal people grow rich, trading resources such as corn with the old world. The Europeans would trade with the Eastern tribes and the Chinese would trade with the Western tribes.

What happened when Columbus colonized America?

Columbus subsequently visited the islands now known as Cuba and Hispaniola, establishing a colony in what is now Haiti. Columbus returned to Castile in early 1493, bringing a number of captured natives with him….Christopher Columbus.

Admiral of the Ocean Sea Christopher Columbus
Succeeded by Francisco de Bobadilla
Personal details

How did the Age of Exploration affect the Americas?

Explorers and conquistadors brought many new plants to the Americas . They brought European crops such as barley and rye. They brought plants that had originally come from Asia, including sugar, bananas, yams, citrus fruit, coffee, rice, and sugarcane. New plants created new economies in the Americas .

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Did the Age of Exploration have a positive or negative impact on history?

Age of Exploration had many effects, People said that it had Positive and Negative Effects to them, The main Negative effects were 1) Culture being destroyed, by destroying and eliminate the rich cultures and civilizations. 2) Spread of disease, like smallpox, black spots,etc. Where spread all around the world.