
When did triggers become a thing?

When did triggers become a thing?

Feministe officially introduced trigger warnings in 2008, “based on feedback from commenters,” said Filipovic. “We obliged to users’ demands because we did not want to alienate any readers.”

Why are trigger warnings important?

Trigger warnings ensure that people are not suddenly confronted with triggers that may render them unable to focus and severely affect their state of mind. Trigger warnings help to offset significant, possibly debilitating, emotional reactions and create an avenue for informed interaction and mental preparedness.

What are examples of trigger warnings?

Sexual violence/ rape. Food and drink/ eating disorders. Paedophilia. Violence/murder.

What are trigger warnings definition?

: a statement cautioning that content (as in a text, video, or class) may be disturbing or upsetting Colleges across the country this spring have been wrestling with student requests for what are known as “trigger warnings,” explicit alerts that the material they are about to read or see in a classroom might upset them …

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How did trigger warnings start?

The idea of trigger warnings originates in the psychiatric literature on post-traumatic reactions, where triggering had the same connotations. Experiences that recall those early events trigger re-experiencing symptoms through a process that is rapid, unconscious, involuntary and automatic.

What is the origin of the word trigger?

Etymology. Originally tricker, from Dutch trekker (“pull”, noun, as in drawer-pull, bell-pull), from Dutch trekken (“to drag, draw, pull”).

When should I use a trigger warning?

Trigger warnings should be considered textual or verbal signs designed to warn those who have psychological trauma of content which may lead to a psychotic, delusional, or harmful reaction.

Are trigger warnings effective?

Most of the flurry of studies that followed found that trigger warnings had no meaningful effect, but two of them found that individuals who received trigger warnings experienced more distress than those who did not. Yet another study suggested that trigger warnings may prolong the distress of negative memories.

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What does getting triggered mean?

Triggers are anything that remind someone of previous trauma. To be triggered is to have an intense emotional or physical reaction, such as a panic attack, after encountering a trigger. Related words: content warning. safe space.

What does trigger mean in history?

trigger noun (START) something that causes someone to feel upset and frightened because they are made to remember something bad that has happened in the past: A trigger is something that sets off a flashback, transporting the person back to the traumatic event. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.