
Where can I read articles in French?

Where can I read articles in French?

12 Native Sites for Your Easy French Reading Fix Online

  • 1 jour 1 actu.
  • Le journal des enfants.
  • La Redoute.
  • Leboncoin.fr.
  • eBay.fr.
  • Voyages-sncf.com.
  • Promovacances.
  • VoyagerMoinsCher.com.

Where can I read French news for free?

Newspapers for French Language Learners from France

  • Le Parisien.
  • France 24.
  • Le Monde.
  • Libération.
  • Le Figaro.
  • L’Humanité
  • 20 minutes.
  • L’Équipe.

How do you access news in French?

  1. FRANCE 24 – Live international news 24/7 IOS – Android.
  2. RFI – Radio France Internationale, live news IOS – Android.
  3. News in Slow French IOS – Android.
  4. Le Monde, l’info en continu IOS – Android.
  5. TV5 MONDE IOS – Android.
  6. French Newspapers IOS – Android.
  7. France News (Actualités) IOS – Android.

How do I find articles in French?

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Indexes Containing Articles in French

  1. Esearch. To limit to French: Click on Advanced Esearch and then look below the search box to the Language option.
  2. Academic Search Complete.
  3. MLA Bibliography (Ebsco)
  4. Google Scholar with EMU Full Text.
  5. Factiva.
  6. Historical Abstracts.
  7. PsycINFO.

Is lingua free?

Heading off the list is Live Lingua, the Internet’s largest collection of free public domain language learning materials, according to the site itself. It’s not hard to believe.

What is the best French news app?

Spread the News! There Are 10 Amazing French News Apps for Android

  • TV5MONDE. TV5MONDE is a respected French language global TV network.
  • France News. The France News app is a resource that collects news from various French newspapers.
  • French Newspapers.
  • FRANCE 24.
  • News in Slow French.
  • VOA Afrique.
  • RFI.
  • BFMTV.

How do I find articles in a different language?

Often, searching for a word in a different language is a quick way to find these kinds of articles. You can set the preferences for Google Scholar to only search for pages written in a specific language. Go to Google Scholar, select Scholar Preferences at the top right then select your language.

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What is an article in French grammar?

In French, nouns are almost always preceded by an article or a determiner. This indicates the gender of the noun (masculine or feminine) and its number (singular or plural). There are two types of articles: definite articles (articles définis) (le, la, les) and indefinite articles (article indéfinis) (un, une, des).

Which is the best French book for beginners?

The 8 Best Books To Learn French

  1. Le Petit Prince. What better way to start our list of books to learn French than with Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince).
  2. Le Petit Nicolas.
  3. Arsène Lupin, Gentleman cambrioleur.
  4. Astérix et Obélix.
  5. Tintin.
  6. L’élégance du hérisson.
  7. Le chat du rabbin.
  8. Monsieur Ibrahim et les Fleurs du Coran.