
Where is the best place to grind in Pokemon sun and moon?

Where is the best place to grind in Pokemon sun and moon?

The best island to grind is Poni Island since there’s a lot more of wild Pokemon located there. The place you want to head to in Poni Island is Vast Poni Canyon, which contains a ton of wild Pokemon most of which are level 40 and up. This a great place to grind if you’re level 35 in Pokemon Sun and Moon.

How do you grind XP in Pokemon sun and moon?

The first, and arguably most important, of these is the Lucky Egg. The fastest way to get one is to collect at least 50 Pokémon and head to Professor Kukui’s Research Lab that’s right near your in-game house. Simply talk to Kukui and he’ll give you one. The Lucky Egg allows any monster carrying it to gain more EXP.

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Where is grind XP in Moon?

The Best Grinding Spots To Level Up in Pokémon Sun & Moon

  1. Battle Buffet.
  2. Altar of the Sunne or Moone.
  3. Akala Outskirts.
  4. Paniola Ranch.
  5. Ten Carat Hill, Melemele Island. After you’ve beaten Island Kahuna Hala, spend a little more time exploring Melemele Island before hopping over to Akala.

Where is the best place to train Pokemon in Pokemon sun?

Once you’ve gained a team of experienced Pokémon (40+), the Battle Buffet on Melemele Island is going to be your key ticket to leveling up any additional Pokémon you want to train for your team. You’ll find the Battle Buffet in Hau’oli City in the mall located by the Shopping District.

How do you get to level 100 fast in Pokémon moon and sun?

Share (not switching saves you more time and EXP than switching does) Have your Pokémon in training hold a Lucky Egg (Boosts EXP) Max out your Pokémon in-training’s Affection (Boosts EXP) Use Roto EXP (Ultra Sun/Moon Only; highly recommended)

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Where can I find rare candies in Pokémon sun?

Any Pokemon Center At the Pokemon Cafe in every Pokemon Center, you can gain Rare Candy by talking to the Cafe vendor after feeding your Pokemon beans in Pokemon Refresh. Talk to the Cafe vendor when you reach these milestones: 8 Pokebeans Fed.

How do you farm rare candies in Pokemon moon?