
Where is the buttock line or Buttline of an aircraft?

Where is the buttock line or Buttline of an aircraft?

Where is the buttock line or buttline of an aircraft? A width measurement left or right of, and parallel to, the vertical centerline. Where is fuselage station No. 137 located?

What is datum line in aircraft?

Datum (reference datum)—an imaginary vertical plane or line from which all measurements of arm are taken. The datum is established by the manufacturer. Once the datum has been selected, all moment arms and the location of CG range are measured from this point.

What is the difference between fuselage station and water line station?

Often in aircraft design, the horizontal coordinate system will start some distance before the nose. The X-axis of this system is positive pointing aft and is typically called the fuselage station (FS) in the case of an aircraft. The Z-axis is positive pointing upward and is known as the water line (WL).

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What is the purpose of stall strips on airplane wings?

A stall strip initiates flow separation on a region of the upper surface of the wing during flight at high angle of attack. This is typically to avoid a tendency to spin following a stall, or to improve the controllability of the airplane as it approaches the stall.

What is the purpose of slats?

Slats are extendable, high lift devices on the leading edge of the wings of some fixed wing aircraft. Their purpose is to increase lift during low speed operations such as takeoff, initial climb, approach and landing.

What is a datum line for?

Datum-line meaning (engineering) A line which serves as a reference or base for the measurement of other quantities.

What is water line aircraft?

In aircraft design, the term “waterline” refers to the vertical location of items on the aircraft. This is (normally) the Z axis of an X × Y × Z coordinate system, the other two axes being the fuselage station ( X ) and buttock line ( Y ).