
Which brings greater success in life hardwork or intelligence?

Which brings greater success in life hardwork or intelligence?

Answer: both hardwork and intelligence bring greater success in life. Because if a person is intelligent but he doesn’t do hardwork so he cannot achieve his success and intelligence is also very important for success.

Is it more important to be intelligent or hard working?

Hard work is definitely more important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. Smart work, on the other hand, often leads to shortcuts and procrastination. To achieve anything in life, one has to commit to continuous hard work, which will lead one to the summit of achievement.

Can hard work make you intelligent?

Intellect is clearly a muscle. While some are born with better genes and better tools it is something you need to work on and grow. If you work hard after college, you’ll probably grow at a rate of 10\% year-over-year. That means seven years after graduating, you’ll roughly be twice as good as when you graduated.

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Is Hard work the secret to success?

Hard work isn’t just about your leveling up your career. It just so happens that a big one for many people is figuring out how to do something they love. But it doesn’t have to end there. It’s the only real “secret to success” to accomplish something truly meaningful and fulfilling in any area of life.

Is intelligence sufficient to achieve success?

Researchers on the subject agree that IQ, or a person’s intelligence quotient, contributes to only 20 percent of success in life (“Is Intelligence the Most Important Factor for Success,” Mario Seiglie). A high level of logical intelligence can lead to success in mathematics, engineering, physics and biology.

Which is the more important for you whether education hard work or money?

A good education is more important because education helps in balancing between money and power and also how to move in society with manners and etiquettes.

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What is the difference between hard work and intelligence?

Hard work is a term which is truly applicable to everyone, because it is not inborn. Hard work can be developed unlike intelligence. While coming to academics, both the intelligence and hard work comes into play very often. But,the harder they work, the more likely they will achieve greater academic success.

What is difference between hard work & smart work?

Hard work can be simply defined as putting in strenuous hours for doing a certain task or tasks. Smart work refers to find effective and efficient ways to complete one or multiple tasks while also managing time and quality both.