
Which caste comes under open in Maharashtra?

Which caste comes under open in Maharashtra?

Maharashtra has around 104 castes and sub-castes in the open category. These include Brahmins, trading castes such as Jains, upper-caste Muslims such as Ashrafs, and sub-castes among Lingayats.

Is Maratha a Kshatriya?

The Marathas are a group of castes comprising of peasants, landowners and warriors. While the top layer of the Marathas—with surnames like Deshmukh, Bhonsle, More, Shirke, Jadhav—are the Kshatriyas (warriors), the rest belong to a predominantly agrarian sub-caste called Kunbi.

Is Maratha a kunbi OBC?

Kunbis are included among the Other Backward Classes (OBC) in Maharashtra. In April 2005, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the Marathas are not a sub-caste of Kunbis.

Are Marathas in the OBC category in Karnataka?

But in karnataka Marathas are in OBC Category. Hindu Maratha 96 Kuli or Deshmukh maratha fall under General category But Kunbi, Lewa Kunbi, Lewa Patil, Lewa Patidar, Kurmi etc These are subcaste of Maratha which are eligible for OBC reservation. The complete list of caste is as follows

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What is the status of Marathas in Maharashtra?

Marathas are a dominant caste in Maharashtra. They compromise around 35\% of total population along with kunbi that are around 7\%. They have a socially forward caste status but recently have been included under OBC category. Although strict Hindus, Marathas don’t fall under Varna system i.e they’re Avarnas.

Is the Maratha caste a caste?

Actually Marathas falls in general category..but now Maharashtra state government giving them special reservation named as SEBC ( socially and economically backward class)..if u have valid certificate for SEBC reservation then u are eligible to get benefits in education as well as in government jobs Maratha Is Not A Caste.

What are some famous Maratha families outside Maharashtra?

Notable Maratha families outside Maharashtra include Bhonsle of Tanjore, Scindia of Gwalior, Gaekwad of Baroda, Holkar of Indore, Puar of Dewas and Dhar, Ghorpade of Mudhol. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources.