
Which configuration setting is commonly set up first by the Linux installer?

Which configuration setting is commonly set up first by the Linux installer?

The first step is to boot the Linux installation media. In most cases, this is either a boot floppy, which contains a small Linux system or a bootable CD-ROM. Upon booting the floppy or the CD-ROM, you are presented with an installation menu of some kind that leads you through the steps of installing the software.

What two commands below will halt a Linux system immediately?

shutdown Command: shutdown command used to halt, power-off or reboot the machine. halt Command: halt command used to halt, power-off or reboot the machine. poweroff Command: poweroff command used to halt, power-off or reboot the machine. reboot Command: reboot command used to halt, power-off or reboot the machine.

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What Metacharacter can be used to refer to the current user’s home directory?

Table 13-1. Filename metacharacters

Metacharacter Function
[!a-z] Matches any character not in the specified range
~ The home directory of the current user
~userid The home directory of the specified user
~+ The current working directory

Which of the following file extensions are used by the Debian package manager?

deb (file format)

The GNOME icon for deb files. (Showing the Debian logo on a package)
Filename extension .deb, .udeb
Type of format Package management system
Container for Software package
Extended from ar archive, tarball

What type of installation a complete installation of Linux but runs entirely from CD?

live CD
A live CD is a complete installation of Linux that runs entirely from CD.

What is installation Linux?

install command is used to copy files and set attributes. It is used to copy files to a destination of the user’s choice, If the user want to download and install a ready to use package on GNU/Linux system then he should use apt-get, apt, yum, etc depending on their distribution.

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Which command is used to halt a Linux system?

shutdown command
The shutdown command allows you to halt, power-off and reboot your Linux system.

How update all packages in Linux?

Upgrading All Packages You can update all packages on the system by running apt-get update , then apt-get upgrade . This upgrades all installed versions with their latest versions but does not install any new packages.

What Linux command is most effective at identifying different types of files?

Method-1: How to Identify File types in Linux Using the ls Command. The ls command helps you to identify and classify all kind of the file types found on a Linux system.

Where do most log files reside on a Linux computer?

Regardless of which Linux distribution you are using, the log files reside in /var/log/ directory.

What is Debian source package?

Source packages provide you with all of the necessary files to compile or otherwise, build the desired piece of software. A description file with . dsc ending. It contains the name of the package, both, in its filename as well as content (after the Source: keyword).

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Where are Debian packages stored?

Debian already comes with pre-approved sources to get packages from and this is how it installs all the base packages you see on your system (if a user did a net-install). On a Debian system, this sources file is the “/etc/apt/sources.