
Which continent has the most linguistic diversity?

Which continent has the most linguistic diversity?

The label of Africa as the most linguistically diverse continent is still being debated based on varying definitions of “diverse”, and the answer to why Africa is home to so many languages is still up in the air.

What is the most diverse language in the world?

Papua New Guinea
Like Papua New Guinea, a major factor that could explain its language diversity is its geography—Indonesia is made up of around 17,500 islands (although more than 7,000 of them are uninhabited)….Top 10 Countries with the Most Languages.

Rank 1
Country Papua New Guinea
Total Languages 840
Population 2020 (M) 8.8

Which country has the highest linguistic diversity in the world with an estimated 820 languages spoken?

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Papua New Guinea, a sovereign state in Oceania, is the most linguistically diverse country in the world.

Which country has most official languages?

The country with the most official languages is Zimbabwe with 16. These are: Chewa, Chibarwe, English, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, sign language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda and Xhosa. The legal status is codified by Zimbabwe’s new Constitution, approved by Parliament on 9 May 2013.

Which country has the least linguistic diversity?

The Least Linguistically Diverse Countries in the World

Rank Country Linguistic Diversity Index (Source: UNESCO)
1 Saint Helena 0
2 Vaitican City 0
3 Montenegro 0
4 Bermuda 0

Which region in the US has the most linguistic diversity?

New York City is the biggest metro area in the U.S. and, as expected, it boasts the largest number of languages.

Which language is the most common official language?

English is the most widely used official language in the world, although perhaps surprisingly it does not have official status in the UK (Welsh is the UK’s only official language) or Australia, where many indigenous and minority languages are also spoken. French, Spanish and Arabic are also common official languages.