
Which database is best for Ruby on Rails?

Which database is best for Ruby on Rails?

PostgreSQL is my first choice on any project needing a database. As many people(including myself) will tell you, Postgres is far and away the best choice. For most people the advanced features of any RDBMS, are not really needed when first starting with Rails since ActiveRecord will handle all of your DB interactions.

Which database Rails?

Rails comes with built-in support for SQLite, which is a lightweight serverless database application. While a busy production environment may overload SQLite, it works well for development and testing. Rails defaults to using a SQLite database when creating a new project, but you can always change it later.

Which DB is best for social network?

Database. You can choose between SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, or NoSQL databases such as MongoDB. We recommend that you use MySQL or PostgreSQL for your social networking app.

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Is NoSQL good for social media?

NoSQL data stores are probably not suitable for a social networking app. Most of them won’t even do a JOIN on your groups and members.

How use Ruby on Rails MySQL?

How to use MySQL with your Ruby on Rails application

  1. Requirements.
  2. Add the MySQL Gem.
  3. Configure the Rails application. Create the application. Root MySQL password. Edit the application’s configuration file. Create the new application databases.
  4. Test the configuration.

What databases are used in social media?

The presented analysis of databases used by the most popular social network sites (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) showed that most of them use combination of different databases, both relational and NoSQL, in order to resolve diverse needs and requirements of their users.

What does rake db create do?

3 Answers

  • rake db:create:all creates all the databases for the application (which are defined in database.yml )
  • rake db:create creates the database for the current RAILS_ENV environment. If RAILS_ENV is not specified it defaults to the development and test databases.