
Which field in the frame provides error detection functionality?

Which field in the frame provides error detection functionality?

The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field (4 bytes) is used to detect errors in a frame.

What are the part of an Ethernet frame?

An Ethernet frame contains three parts; an Ethernet header (Preamble, SFD, Destination, Source, and Type), Encapsulated data (Data and Pad), and an Ethernet trailer (FCS).

Which component of an Ethernet frame is used to notify a host that traffic is coming?

Which component of an Ethernet frame is used to notify a host that traffic is coming? Preamble is a 7 Byte field in the Ethernet frame which helps to receiver to know that it is an actual data (Ethernet Frame) and not some random noise in the transmission medium. It acts like a doorbell telling about the incoming data.

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What are the parts of an Ethernet frame Mcq answer?

This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ethernet”. Explanation: The Ethernet frame has a header that contains the source and destination MAC address. Each MAC address is of 48 bits.

Is preamble a part of Ethernet frame?

An Ethernet frame is preceded by a preamble and start frame delimiter (SFD), which are both part of the Ethernet packet at the physical layer. The middle section of the frame is payload data including any headers for other protocols (for example, Internet Protocol) carried in the frame.

When CRC error is detected at Ethernet layer the frame is?

No matter crc itself is good or bad, as long as it doesn’t match/verify payload (even the payload is still good), this ethernet frame is considered as having a crc error and should be dropped at layer2.

What is Ethernet frame check sequence incorrect?

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The incorrect Frame Check Sequences are only on frames transmitted by the system that you captured on. The communication succeeds. In this case, you get a reply to the pings. If the Frame Check Sequences were really incorrect, the frames would be discarded and the communication would fail.

How are error frames detected in the OSI model?

There are three main techniques for detecting errors in frames: Parity Check, Checksum and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).

What is an Ethernet frame and how does it work?

When transmitting data over Ethernet, the Ethernet frame is primarily responsible for the correct rulemaking and successful transmission of data packets. Essentially, data sent over Ethernet is carried by the frame. An Ethernet frame is between 64 bytes and 1,518 bytes big, depending on the size of the data to be transported.

What is the FCS field on an Ethernet frame?

The FCS field is the only field present in the Ethernet trailer. It allows the receiver to discover whether errors occurred in the frame. Note that Ethernet only detects in-transit corruption of data – it does not attempt to recover a lost frame. Other higher level protocols (e.g. TCP) perform error recovery.

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What is the size of an Ethernet frame for collision detection?

An Ethernet frame must be at least 64 bytes for collision detection to work, and can be a maximum of 1,518 bytes.

How to identify Ethernet frames within a VLAN?

Identifying Ethernet frames within a VLAN requires the “Tag” field. On a physical level, VLANs work through switches. In the OSI model, a VLAN works on the data link layer (layer 2) and controls the data flow control. With VLAN, networks can become more efficient by being divided into subnets.